Е-teaching the Russian Language to Foreign Students: Courses, Programs and Textbooks

Keywords: E-teaching, , ICT, language competence, Russian as a foreign language, training programs.


The article raises the issues of using information and communication technologies nowadays. The main attention is focused on some kinds of E-learning in teaching Russian as a foreign language; the goals of this teaching; the teacher and his/her contribution to elaborating computer educational resources; the positive students’ motivation by using a personal computer; the advantages of a computer training process in comparison with traditional education; some kinds of work by using a computer at classes.

The review of current programs on learning Russian as a foreign language (components, structure, levels, aims, etc.) is suggested. For instance, the program “Russian without accent” is a complete phonetic and lexical reference-training course; E-textbook “Russian for everybody. 1000 exercises” is a training program of various grammar skills; on-line course “Time to speak Russian” is an introductory course majoring in learning Russian as a foreign language.

The authors conclude that computer eliminates one of the major causes of a negative attitude to learning – failure due to the lack of understanding material or knowledge gap. The above is taken into account by the authors of many computer-based training programs.

The analysis of the existing software of ICT in teaching of the Russian language has revealed that the chosen didactic computer programs are adequate for the developed models of training.

To sum up, it can be concluded that in future authors using the above theoretical and methodological foundations focus at creating an E-textbook for the students at the medical department “Doctor – Patient”. The manual has been successfully used for 10 years and is the basic one for training 1st, 2nd, 3rd year students.



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How to Cite
ПетренкоI. П., Седьма, Є. В., & Черкашина, Ж. В. (2016). Е-teaching the Russian Language to Foreign Students: Courses, Programs and Textbooks. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (27), 83–91. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/language_teaching/article/view/5463