Innovative Approaches and Methods of Intensive Teaching of Ukrainian Language as a Foreign Language

Keywords: approach, communicative competence, method, Ukrainian as a foreign language.


This article analyzes the innovative approaches and methods of short-term teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The author has substantiated the necessity of making a Ukrainian course for foreign students to introduce them to the Ukrainian culture and traditions through the language. The difference between the lessons of a foreign language as the language of studying and the extracurricular optional lessons has been defined. The essence of the communicative approach that is widely used nowadays has been defined as following: the learning process is a model of the communication process. It has been also stressed that using just the communicative approach during a short-term course of Ukrainian is not enough. The peculiarities and possibilities of using the structural and lexical approaches have been also described. The ways of applying the grammar-translation, inductive, and the deductive, method in the teaching process have been considered and illustrated with examples. The features and importance of the interactive methods have been described. Methods of this kind have been defined as methods that provide the teacher and his (her) students with an ability to structure their lesson together: these methods increase a level of students’ motivation and create positive atmosphere of free communication that is similar to real life communication environment. The article includes also examples of using the role-playing mode, situational tasks, and game elements in the elective course of the Ukrainian language for foreign students. Based on the materials, it has been concluded that the best combination of approaches and methods for short-term Ukrainian language teaching would be integration of the communicative, structural and lexical approaches with their implementation by inductive, deductive, grammar-translation and interactive methods. Creating new methods of short-term teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language has been defined as the area for further investigation.


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How to Cite
Кожушко, І. А. (2016). Innovative Approaches and Methods of Intensive Teaching of Ukrainian Language as a Foreign Language. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (27), 42–50. Retrieved from