Synthesis of modern methods of foreign language teaching as an activation means of cognitive activity of higher education students

Keywords: cognitive activity, foreign language, motivation, student, teaching methods


The relevance of this article is determined by the need to overcome the contradictions between the existing system of professional training in higher education and the requirements of society for qualified professionals capable of self-education and self-improvement throughout their lives.

The purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation of the use of the synthesis of English teaching methods, which are implemented in practice and which are aimed at activating the cognitive activity of arts students in higher educational institutions.

In the teaching of certain disciplines in higher education institutions, teaching methods are used to activate the cognitive activity of students. From the point of view of teaching humanities, methods of programmed, problem-based, and interactive (communicative) teaching are used to control the formation of students’ thinking.

The use of programmed learning is based on the idea of two-part learning activities: instructive and executive. Problems in the learning process involve a special organization of the acquired knowledge content when it is provided to students, not in the complete form, but as the desired unknown being part of the problem task (questions, tasks, situations), the intellectual activity of the student in search of this content constitutes the process of its assimilation.

In the course of teaching the disciplines of the humanities, in particular foreign language teaching, methods of interactive (communicative) learning are considered as the main ones. Stimulation of cognitive activity occurs in the process of discussing certain issues and problems of educational material, when the teacher, on a par with students, participates in joint productive educational activities, in contrast to the interaction of two activities – educational and training.

The results of the student survey showed that the use of the synthesis of the proposed methods of teaching a foreign language is one of the leading conditions for the formation of educational and cognitive motives in students of humanities. Activation of personality motivational components during the organization of educational activities takes place through the creation of conditions that provide a subjective position of students at each stage of the lesson.


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How to Cite
Надточій, Н., & Шмелькова, Г. (2020). Synthesis of modern methods of foreign language teaching as an activation means of cognitive activity of higher education students. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (37), 52-64.