Methods of analysisof text and discourse categories by foreign students of philology

  • В. Стативка Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Russian language Department of the Institute of foreign languages of Lanzhou University
Keywords: text, text categories, analysis of text and discourse categories, intertextuality, principles of analysis, , system of exercises


The article substantiates the principles of analysis of text and discourse categories in the process of formation of foreign undergraduates’ ability to analyze the literary text. These principles include the following: 1) correspondence of the texts selected for analysis with the prototype version; 2) taking into consideration the relationship and determinacy of all categories in the text, and the understanding that the isolation and analysis of each category individually is carried out exclusively for educational purposes; 3) taking into consideration the discursive nature of the text; 4) understanding the analysis of the text as a creative process of perception, interpretation, increment of meaning on the basis of the linguistic fabric of the text and the experience of the linguistic existence of the recipient; 5) analysis of the text is a new level of cognition of the world: the knowledge of the functioning of the language in different regions of Russia, the culture of the native speakers, their moral foundations and traditions.

Based on the analysis of the category of intertextuality, the author describes the stages of the work and the system of tasks for the formation of professional skills of foreign students majoring in philology. The first stage (preparation for the lesson) is proposed to be provided with special materials: a text with theoretical data structured and compressed in 3-4 pages, supplemented with questions for self-control and 1-2 simple test tasks. At the same stage, undergraduates read a literary miniature text with a vocabulary. This text (0.5-1.5 pages) is to be analyzed in the classroom, as well as 2-3 texts of journalistic style of the same volume each subordinated to the enrichment of the recipientʼs presupposition. The second stage (work in the classroom) includes a system of exercises: a) aimed at enriching the vocabulary and syntactic structure of speech with special terminology and structures that are used in the analysis; b) aimed at understanding, interpretation, and increment of meanings in the semantic space of the intertext; c) aimed at the complete text analysis.


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How to Cite
Стативка, В. (2019). Methods of analysisof text and discourse categories by foreign students of philology. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (35), 105-121.