The peculiarities of teaching the language of learning to foreigners at the third level of higher education

  • О. Тростинська Associate Professor, Language Training Department 1, Institute of International Education for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (61022, Kharkiv, 4 Svoboda Square)
Keywords: foreigners, higher education, third level, scientific style of speech, teaching, language of learning


The article highlights the peculiarities of teaching the language of learning to foreigners at the third level of higher education, which involves obtaining certain  knowledge, skills, sufficient for conducting scientific research while taking a post graduate course. The communication needs and specificity of cognitive activity of graduate foreign students have been described. Teaching the language of foreign graduate students is based on the study of scientific speech, which serves the field of modern scientific activities and serves to convey objective information about the world around. The specificity of the scientific style of speech is determined by the peculiarities of the way of thinking under lying this functional style and the peculiarities of communication in the scientific sphere, the characteristics of which are objectivity, uniqueness, clarity, accuracy, logic, which can be the hallmarks of style at all its linguistic levels. Features of the scientific style of speech at the lexical and syntactic levels (deaganality, polyproposability, complexity of syntactic structures) have been considered. The genres of scientific speech (articles, dissertation, abstracts, abstract, annotations in written and oral speech speeh) and types of texts on the basis of which the training of the professional language of the specified contingent of students have been conducted. The place of abstract reading in the system of language teaching of post graduates have been considered. Abstract reading combines research and information activities and is the main type of reading while conducting scientific research, since it is directly implemented during the scholar's current state of the  subject under study, the definition of a range of outstanding issues, and helps producing an informative message about the course of his own scientific work. The content for all education (report, participation in discussions) and written (writing informative and indicative abstracts, annotations, summaries, compilation of bibliographic description and list of literature) of speech at the third level of higher education have been described.


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How to Cite
Тростинська, О. (2019). The peculiarities of teaching the language of learning to foreigners at the third level of higher education. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (34), 205-2018.