To the issue of vocational english syllabus design for sustainable foreign language education
The article considers English language syllabus design for non-linguistic faculties on the basis of positive experience of some European countries. Current vocational foreign language education is determined by the global context of education and employment on the whole: labour force mobility, life-long learning and sustainable social and economic development. Communicative competence in a foreign language has become a prerequisite of sustainable education nowadays. In order to establish effective foreign language education, Ukraine must bring the quality of its education to the European standards, taking into account positive foreign experience. Analyzing English language teaching at non-linguistic universities of our country, we see the problems related to the curriculum and syllabus design. The absence of integration of foreign language teaching at secondary school and the requirements to the communicative competence in English of non-linguistic students fail to provide the sufficient level of foreign language education in the country and as a result, the quality of higher education. The discrepancy between the low initial level of proficiency in English of first-year students alongside with the syllabus designed for mastering this foreign language for specific purposes is a problem, hard to cope with both for teachers and students. Windows User decision alongside with gradation of coursesWindows User according to their level, so that the students can attain the necessary communicative skills to be able to learn English for professional purposes, read specialized literature sources, participate in discussions and make presentations or communicate business ideas in a written form. The analysis of the syllabi of some European universities shows differential approach in teaching FL, taking into account the students’ needs so that they actively and effectively participate in the study process and show sufficient performance.
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