The aspects of using an intermediary language in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language

  • Л. Задорожня Assistant Professor, Language Training Department 2, Institute of International Education for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (61022, Kharkiv, 4 Svoboda Square)
Keywords: direct method, grammar-translational method, intermediary language, mother tongue accounting, Ukrainian as a foreign language


The article discusses the aspects of using an intermediary language in teaching a foreign language, in particular, Ukrainian. Different views on the place of the intermediary language in the process of teaching/learning are presented. Special attention is focused on the perspectives offered by the use of the intermediary language. Previous studies of the role of an intermediary language in teaching a foreign language show that this role is ambiguous. In the educational process the role of the intermediate language is performed by the most common languages. In modern conditions of globalization, there is a clear tendency to use English as a universal intermediary language. In a multinational audience, both the teacher and students will be comfortable enough to know a single intermediary language, clarify the translation, discuss grammatical features, check understanding of grammatical material, and get information to ensure successful adaptation of foreigners to life in a foreign country. The intermediary language helps the teacher to organize the learning process most effectively, relieve students of tension, accelerate and facilitate the learning of grammar and access to speech. The article concludes that an appeal to an intermediary language in the study of a foreign language should be considered methodically justified and expedient if its use improves the efficiency of the educational process. The most necessary and appropriate such treatment is at the initial stage, although at subsequent stages the mediation speech takes its place in the process of teaching/learning. Artificial exclusion of an intermediary language from the educational process can lead to a significant reduction in motivation, slowing the progress of students, and cause a state of frustration. Prospects for further research are the development of materials for the creation of textbooks on the Ukrainian language, which would take into account the intermediate language.



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How to Cite
Задорожня, Л. (2019). The aspects of using an intermediary language in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (34), 56-65.