The system of exercises to the academic scientific text for foreign students of humanities at the initial stage of learning the Ukrainian language

Keywords: academic scientific text, post-text exercises, pre-text exercises, scientific speech skills, Ukrainian as a foreign language.


The article deals with the problem of teaching Ukrainian as a language of a future speciality to foreign students of preparatory departments, in particular within the course «Commented reading of scientific texts». The formation of scientific speech skills determines the success of foreigners’ training in Ukrainian universities. Full participation in the education process is possible if students know the scientific style: they can listen to lectures, study scientific literature, take part in practical and seminars, write essays, term papers, etc.

The distinguishing feature of the academic scientifictext for foreigners is correspondence with their level of language proficiency. In the academic scientific text for foreigners studying Ukrainian at the initial stage, it is necessary to consider the principles of accessibility, inter-subject coordination, economy of linguistic resources, linguistic saturation, curiosity of educational materials. The traditional system of exercises needs to be modified.

At the pre-text stage, the exercises to semanticize of lexemes, in particular in context and based on the word-building structure of words, are very important. It is productive to repeat aloud the typical structures with new lexical units and in the complex it eliminates the difficulties of lexical, phonetic and grammatical character. Among post-text tasks, the most relevant at this stage of training are those that are aimed to check the understanding of the text and to study new lexical-grammatical structures of scientific style. It is important to develop the ability to ask questions. The teacher should gradually increase the complexity of exercises; use the variety of lexical material to practice typical structures. The insufficient level of language proficiency determines a simple form of exercises to the text (they should be clear on the samples of execution) and the using visual learning tools (schematic images, tables, multimedia presentations).


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How to Cite
Швець, Г. (2018). The system of exercises to the academic scientific text for foreign students of humanities at the initial stage of learning the Ukrainian language. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (32), 135-146.