
  • Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology

    International Scientific Journal of Philology

    ISSN 2521-6481

    Published once-twice a year

    Publisher: Department of Romance Philology and Translation of the School of Foreign Languages at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    Journal’s mission is to consolidate scientific efforts aimed to interprete the cultural perspective of philological research.

    Language of publication: English, French, Italian, Spanish.

    The articles had internal and external review.

  • Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії

    Видання з історичних наук.

    Збірник є спеціалізованим виданням молодих вчених з історичних наук. У збірнику публікуються статті викладачів, аспірантів та студентів з проблем вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, що репрезентують тематику історичних досліджень від найдавніших часів до сучасності.

  • Pressing Problems of Public Administration

    The collection of scientific works comprises seven sections and elucidates problems theory and history of public administration, philosophy of public administration, functioning of mechanisms of public administration, local government and public service.
    This publication is designed for scientists, public servants, undergraduate and graduate students, professorial staff interested in addressing problems of public administration.

    Since 2005 he has been included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences can be published. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 28.12.2019 No. 643
    the collection was assigned category “B” (as amended from 09.08.2022 No. 724).
    Field of knowledge “Public management and administration” in accordance with the current list of fields of knowledge. Since 2017 collection has been indexed by Index Copernicus International.

  • Actual problems of modern medicine

    Редакція актуальних наукових періодичних видань пропонує всім студентам, аспірантам, докторантам, здобувачам, молодим спеціалістам, викладачам, науковцям та іншим, зацікавленим у нагоді, опублікувати свої статті.

    Сучасне наукове періодичне видання містить статті з актуальних питань сучасної експериментальної та клінічної медицини. Ці матеріали підтримують принципи вільного розповсюдження наукової інформації та глобального обміну знаннями заради загального суспільного прогресу.

  • Biophysical Bulletin

    Biophysical Bulletin is an open access periodic Ukrainian scientific journal in a field of biology, physics, and mathIt is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for publishing papers submitted for Ph.D. and Dr.Sci. degrees in biology, physics and astronomy, applied physics and nanomaterials, and biomedical engineering (list of Category A Journals, the Decree N 220 of the Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine of 21.02.2024).

    Biophysical Bulletin is indexed in SCOPUS.

    ISSN 2075-3810 (print)     ISSN 2075-3829 (online)

    The journal publishes original scientific articles, short communications and reviews dealing with physical, mathematical, and engineering problems pertaining to biological systems and solved by methods of experimental and theoretical physics, mathematical modeling and computer simulation.

  • State Formation

    Електронне наукове фахове видання України категорії «Б» з державного управління, спеціальність 281 «Публічне управління та адміністрування» .

    Видається на базі Навчально-наукового інституту "Інститут державного управління" Харківського національного університету імені В.Н.Каразіна з метою створення умов для якісної публічної комунікації вчених стосовно питань розвитку системи державного управління та місцевого самоврядування: економічні, правові, політичні, соціологічні, філософські, освітянські, соціальні аспекти.

    ISSN 1992–2337


  • Drinovsky sbornik

    Focus and Scope

    “Drinovsky sbornik” is scientific annual of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences devoted to the history of Central and Eastern Europe from ancient times to the present day. The collection accepts articles that correspond to the profile of the publication, haven’t been published yet, as well as archaeological materials, reviews and overview information about scientific conferences (symposiums, seminars) or other significant events of scientific life related to the topic of the publication.


    The main sections of the journal:

    Articles. The main section.

    Reviews. Overviews of literature, academic reviews, etc.

    Chronicle. Reports on conferences and other events of academic life.

    The journal can also contain other sections: materials for anniversaries, congratulations, obituaries, etc.


    ISSN: 2218-0567 (print)

    The journal is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (on the Web of Science platform).


    Founders: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    Publisher: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Science


    Peer Review Process 

    The editors of the journal are ruled by the international standards of ethics of scientific publications (, developed by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The decision to publish the manuscript is taken by the entire editorial board, which is collectively responsible for the materials published in the “Drinovsky sbornik”.

    The content of the manuscripts is evaluated from the point of view of authenticity of the content and scientific significance, correspondence of the research subjects and the current legal norms in copyright and plagiarism.

    The decision to publish the article is carried out on the principle of double-blind review, on the basis of positive reviews of members of the editorial board who are specialists in the subject, external researchers are also invited, whose range of scientific interests coincides with the topic of the article.


    Reviewers must consider the following questions and give the answer:

    1. Are the results original?
    2. Are the methods adequate?
    3. Whether the analysis corresponds to conclusions?


    Reviewers indicate their opinion:

    1. Accept without change.
    2. Accept after taking into account the comments of the reviewer.
    3. Reject.


    Publication Frequency

    “Drinovsky sbornik is annual.


    Open Access Policy

    This is an open access annual which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. The journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to articles published in the journal. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.


    Editorial ethics

    The Editorial board of “Drinovsky sbornik” follows Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics,


    Plagiarism screening

    The independent check for anti-plagiarism is conducted



  • Cognition, Communication, Discourse

    An international open access peer-reviewed on-line scholarly journal devoted to the research in cognitive linguistics and discourse studies in synchronic, diachronic, and cross-cultural perspectives. The editors also encourage articles from neighboring research areas connected with, but not limited to linguistic pragmatics, semantics, sociolinguistics, interdisciplinary communication studies, psychology, media studies, translation studies, and language learning in an interdisciplinary context.

    The journal is included into the list of professional scientific periodicals in Ukraine, category “Б” (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 1643 dated from December 28, 2019) and can be used to publish the results of dissertations for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Philology and the scientific degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences.

    Intended for linguists, teachers, graduate students and master's students.

  • Computer Science and Cybersecurity

    International electronic scientific-theoretical journal. 

    The journal publishes research articles on theoretical, scientific and technical problems of effective facilities development for computer information communication systems and on information security problems based on advanced mathematical methods, information technologies and technical means.

    The target audience: scientists, teachers, graduate students, students, specialists of IT-sphere and all who are interested in issues of information security and problems of creating and operating information and communication systems.

  • Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology

    The journal highlights the results of fundamental and applied ecological research in various fields of geography, ecology, and agriculture.

    The Journal is a professional publication in the field of science: 10 Natural sciences by specialties: 101 Ecology, 103 Earth sciences; 20 Agricultural sciences and food by specialties: 201 Agronomy, 205 Forestry.      MES Ukraine Order № 409 of 17/03/2020

    Media identifier in the Register of the field of Media Entities: R30-04454 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15)

    For specialists, scientists and researchers working in the domain of environmental protection as well as for lecturers, BSc, MSc and PhD students of higher educational institutions without any restrictions

  • Scientific notes of the pedagogical department

    Professional edition in pedagogical sciences. Specialized edition on pedagogical sciences. Included in category «B» by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 2, 2020 No. 886. Scientific specialized publication Scientific Notes of the Department of Pedagogy / Scientific Notes of the Department of Pedagogy / Scientific notes of the pedagogical department in the field of knowledge 01 “Education / Pedagogy” in the specialties 011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences”, 012 “Preschool education, 013 “Primary education” , 014 “Secondary Education”, 015 “Professional Education”. It has been published since 1996 by the efforts of the Department of Pedagogy of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin and Communal Institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council. From 2024, according to the new requirements for professional publications in Ukraine, Kharkiv National University is the sole founder of the publication.

    The journal is displayed in databases: Google Scholar, Vernadsky National Library.

    The publication is aimed at disseminating research in the field of modern theory and practice of education, training and upbringing. The authors of scientific papers post the results of research activities on the organization of the educational process, the features of teaching academic disciplines, the professional training of future specialists in various industries, the introduction of the latest pedagogical technologies, etc.


    Media identifier in the Register of the field of Media Entities: R30-05027 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15)

  • Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography

    The journal includes articles that cover actual problems of modern geographical education and educational maps. Also it summarizes the experience and reveals perspectives of the development and implementation of innovative educational technologies into the learning process. The journal reveals preparation and publication of new cartographic products for use in schools, universities and other institutions of the continuous geographic education.

    Journal publishes contributions in the following basic areas: Geography, Cartography, Education.

  • Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology

    International Scientific and Practical Journal.

    The journal is in the list of scientific specialized publications of Ukraine of category B: in the field of medical sciences (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №409 from 17.03.2020): in the field of specialization 222 Medicine “Neurology”, “Psychiatry, Narcology”, 225 Medical Psychology; in the field of psychological sciences (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №627 from 14.05.2020): in the field of specialization 053 Psychology «Medical Psychology».

    The journal publishes problem articles, the results of original and experimental studies, review articles, discussion and historical nature, short reports, lectures, reviews, case studies, informational materials, work on teaching neuroscience, organization and management of the psychoneurological service and other materials, devoted to actual problems of clinical and forensic psychiatry, narcology, neurology, medical psychology, as well as psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, etc.

  • Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy

    Professional publication in the psychological sciences

    The journal presents a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches, modalities, and techniques related to the psychological and medical space of modern psychotherapeutic and counseling assistance. Theoretical and practical issues related to various aspects of psychotherapeutic intervention for various disorders, their gender aspects, psychodiagnostic methods, the interaction of psychotherapy and culture, etc. are considered. For psychotherapists, consultants, practical psychologists, and anyone interested in providing psychotherapeutic assistance.

    Media identifier in the Register of the Field of Media Entities: R30-04464 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15)

    The concept of the journal is to consider topical theoretical and practical problems of modern psychotherapy in its medical (clinical) and psychological dimensions, in organizing an interdisciplinary dialogue, in identifying resources for the growth of psychotherapy itself, in legitimation. psychotherapy and psychological counseling in a professional academic environment.
    The journal analyzes the problems of psychotherapy, psychological counseling, medical psychology, gender psychology and sexology.



  • Проблеми сучасної освіти

    Збірник присвячено загальним питанням сучасної освіти, інноваційним освітнім технологіям та методиці викладання у вищій школі, а також актуальним проблемам навчання студентів-іноземців в Україні. В окремому розділі представлено кращі випускні роботи слухачів школи педагогічної майстерності.

  • Social economics

    The scientific journal "Social Economics" is a professional edition category "B" in the field of economic sciences (Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 dated March 17, 2020).

    The journal is dedicated to highlighting the results of research on issues of labor motivation, management at various economy levels , the credit and monetary system, accounting and auditing, international economics and the world economy, economics and mathematical methods and models, statistical analysis and marketing strategies.


    • 051 "Economics",
    • 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance",
    • 073 "Management",
    • 075 "Marketing",
    • 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities".

    Articles written by researchers, lecturers, practitioners, postgraduates and students of economic specialties are accepted for publication.

  • Theory and Practice of Public Administration

    Theory and Practice of Public Administration : Collection of Scientific Works. – Kharkiv : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    The scientific publication papers «Theory and Practice of Public Administration», grouped together under five headings, are devoted to the problem issues of public administration system development, state regulation of economic and social development processes, directions of reforming the local selfgovernment system in Ukraine, foreign policy and national security issues.
    For scientists, researchers, public servants, local officials, and for everyone interested in modern problems of public administration.

  • Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual

    Specialized scientific publication

    “Antiquities” is an academic journal that contains articles of theoretical and scientific nature in the field of archeology, ancient and medieval history, as well as related disciplines and regional studies. The journal is published annually since 1994 by the Faculty of History of the V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University and the Kharkov Historical & Archaeological Society.

    The prime aim of "Antiquities" is informing an academic community about new results and discoveries in the field of ancient and medieval history, which are interesting for an international audience.

  • East European Journal of Physics

    East European Journal of Physics is an open-access international peer-reviewed journal devoted to experimental and theoretical research on nuclear physics, cosmic rays and particles, high-energy physics, solid-state physics, plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion, physics of charged particle beams, plasma electronics, radiation materials science, physics of thin films, condensed matter physics, functional materials and coatings, nanomaterials, physics of nanoparticles, molecular dynamics, technical thermal physics, and industrial power, medical physics and physical technologies in an interdisciplinary context.

    EEJP registered by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 of 28.12.2019 and included in the list of scientific professional Editions of Ukraine (category “A,” specialty: 104, 105), in which results of dissertations for obtaining Ph.D. and Dr. Sci. degrees in physical and mathematical sciences can be published.

    Media identifier in the Register of the Field of Media Entities: R30-04470 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024, of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15)

    The Journal is a part of the Web of Science Core Collection (ESCI) scientometric platform and is indexed by SCOPUS.

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank 


    23rd percentile
    Powered by  Scopus

  • Ukrainian Sociological Journal

    The journal is the official scientific and informational edition of the Sociological Association of Ukraine.

    The Ukrainian Sociological Journal publishes the original research articles in all fields of sociology, based on profound theoretical and empirical studies of contemporary Ukrainian society, made by the flagship Ukrainian and foreign scientists.

    A special attention is given to presentation of young researchers' findings and the scientific life of the regional branches of the Sociological Association of Ukraine.

     The Ukrainian Sociological Journal is a specialized edition in sociology (Order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine from 02.07.2020, No. 886)

    The journal is a professional (specialized) edition in the sphere of sociological sciences.

  • Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering

    «Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering» highlights the achievements and problems of plasma, radiation, laser and complex physical technologies as well as research of thin film formation and surface modification, physical properties of resulting structures, economic issues and education in the field of high technologies.

    DOI: 10.26565/2519-2485

  • Financial and credit systems: prospects for development

    Collection of Scientific works «Financial and credit systems: prospects for development» is publishing on the base of Educational and Scientific Institute «Karazin Banking Institute» of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The Collection covers key issues of economics, accounting, finance and banking, management and information technologies in mentioned directions.

    Сertificate of state registration: КВ №24781-14720Р

    ISSN : 2786-5002 (online)

    ISSN : 2786-4995 (print)

    Publication languages: Ukrainian and English.

    Frequency of publication – 4 issues per year.

    Collection Subject Areas:

    1. Banks of the present and the future.
    2. Finance, accounting, audit and taxation.
    3. Economic and mathematical methods and models of financial development.
    4. Modern macroeconomic trends and tendencies.
    5. Management of financial and credit systems and the socio-humanitarian component of their development.
  • Photobiology and Photomedicine

    Specialized publication on medical, biological and technical sciences.

    The journal publishes articles on clinical and experimental photomedicine, photobiology, and their physical and technical foundations.

  • Харківський історіографічний збірник

    Фахове видання з історичних наук.

    Збірник містить статті з актуальних проблем історії і теорії історичної науки та освіти. Раз на два роки в «Харківський історіографічний збірник» входять блоки, які формуються з матеріалів «Астаховських читань» та мають тематичну спрямованість.

  • Human Geography Journal

    The «Human Geography Journal» deals with modern problems of society being solved with human geography, and displays results of the newest researches in this field. The articles of theoretical issues and practical application of the human geography researches inUkraine’s regions and in the world are published of above journal. Actuality of this scientific journal is accounted for enhancing the role of the human-geographical researches in Ukrainian and foreign practice.

    The Journal has been registered by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 of 28.12.2019, and included in the list of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (category “B”, specialties 103 Geosciences, 106 Geography).


    On-line collection is developing the network of social scientists in the fields of Sociology and Social Work, whose scientific interests correspond to researching and resolving social problems.

    The goal is to assist to interdisciplinary research and practice communication of sociologists and social workers in researching and finding out the ways of resolving of social problems in modern society.

    The articles on sociology and social work devoted to the following topics are published in the collection: theory and methodology of social problems researches; results of social problems researches; social policy and social work.

  • The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology»

    The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Biology" is a collection of scientific works containing results of experimental research and reviews on biology, including biochemistry and genetics, zoology and botany, animal and plant physiology, mycology, microbiology, soil science, cryobiology, etc., as well as materials about events in scientific life and descriptions of original methods and devices in the field of biology.

    The Journal is intended for teachers, scholars, students and post-graduate students, specializing in biology or adjacent fields of science.

    The Journal has been registered by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 of 28.12.2019, and included in the list of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (category “B”, specialty: 091).

  • Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Geology. Geography. Ecology"

    Specialized edition on geological and geographical sciences.

    Indexed in: WorldCatBASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), ResearchBible, SBB (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), Ulrich's Periodicals DirectoryEBSCOIndex Copernicus, Google Scholar, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

    Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series “Geology. Geography. Ecology” is devoted to the modern studies in the field of geology, geochemistry, hydrogeology, ecology and social and economic geography.

    “Visnyk” is intended for scientists, specialists and high school lecturers.

  • Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy

    The Karazin University Journal of Еcоlogy provides the results of theoretical and applied scientific research in the field of ecology, geography, biology, environmental safety, environmental protection and sustainable use of nature.

    Priority is given to finding new ways for solution of existing environmental problems and identification of the best international practices, as well as issues of environmental management, medical-environmental researches, innovative research in biotechnology, biochemistry, genetics, human ecology, plant and animal physiology, constructive geography, ecology and sustainable environmental management. The issues of development and methodological researches in national higher education for geographic, biological and environmental sciences are presented.

     For scientists and specialists in the field of ecology, geography, biology, environment protection and rational use of nature.

    The journal is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of theses and dissertations for the scientific degrees of the Doctor and the Candidate in Geographical Sciences may be published.

  • Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series

    Periodical specialized edition categorized as "B" in the field of Economic Sciences

    051 "Economy", 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" and 073 "Management"

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409, 3/17/2020.

    The bulletin is devoted to the actual problems of economic science and entrepreneurship in modern socio-economic systems. Issues of economic theory, management of socio-economic systems, finance and taxation, international economics and world economy, mathematical and computer modelling of socio-economic processes, as well as statistical analysis of economic information are considered.

    For scientific staff, lecturers, employees of business structures and public authorities, postgraduate students and students of economic and other specialties.

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History

    The Journal is devoted to current issues of the history of Ukraine, ancient and medieval history, archeology, modern and contemporary history, historiography and source studies. It will be interesting for scientists, experts, lecturers of higher educational institutions, postgraduate student, and students.

  • The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching

    The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching is included in the list of professional scientific publications recommended for publication of the main scientific results of dissertations by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (07.10.2016, № 1222).

    Frequency – 2 issues a year.

  • V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’

    Фахове видання з історичних наук.

    Досліджується історія та культура України, історіографічні проблеми, етнокультурні студії, розглядаються особливості соціальних, політичних і культурних процесів у європейському, загальноукраїнському та регіональному вимірах від давніх часів до сьогодення.

  • Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

    Indexed/Abstracted in Zentralblatt MATH ( since 1999; indexed more than 400 documents).
    Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH) is the world’s most comprehensive and longest-running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics.

  • Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series «Mathematical modeling. Information technology. Automated control systems»

    Specialized edition in mathematical and technical sciences.

    Articles contain the results of research in the fields of mathematical modeling and computational methods, information technology, information security. New mathematical methods of research and control of physical, technical and information processes, research on programming and computer modeling in science-intensive technologies are highlighted.

    The journal is designed for teachers, researchers, graduate students and students working in correspondent or related fields.

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism

    Economics Journal

    The journal deals with current problems of international economic relations, economics, geography and tourism. The topics covered are: theoretical bases of the world economy study, national models of social and economic development, international integration processes, competitive strategies.  The problems of the theory and practice of ethnography and tourism are shown.

    For scientists, lecturers, postgraduates and students.

    Journal of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University Series: "International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism" (IRECST) registered by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 409 of March 17, 2020, and included in the list of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (category “В”, specialty: 051, 073, 292).

    Media identifier in the Register of the field of Media Entities: R30-04457 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15)

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Medicine"

    Journal contains the following sections: Healthcare Organization; Fundamental Research; Clinical researches; Reviews; Clinical Practice; Lectures; Medical Law; Ecology and Health.

    The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Medicine"  Teaching is included in the list of professional scientific publications recommended for publication of the main scientific results of dissertations by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (№ 886 от 02.07.2020).

  • The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issues of Political Science

    "Issues of Political Science" considers the actual problems of the theory and practice of political processes in a globalized world. For professors, researchers and anyone interested in the issues of political science.

    Certificate of state registration of KV № 21570 - 11470Р dated August 21, 2015.

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law

    A wide range of topical political and legal issues is highlighted, including: the problems of the formation and development of civil society and the rule of law in Ukraine; problems of ensuring human rights; problems of fighting crime and protecting public order; problems of improving national legislation and law enforcement practice.

    The Journal is a specialized publication in the field of legal sciences, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 17.03.2020 y. № 409 (Annex 1) are included in the category "B" list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in the field of Jurisprudence: 081 «Law», 262 «Law enforcement» and 293 «International Law».

    For lawyers, politicians, academics and practitioners, students and postgraduates, as well as anyone interested in legal theory and law practice.

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. A Series of «Psychology»

    JOURNAL PURPOSE: popularization and coverage of contemporary psychological research, opportunities and ways of putting them into practice. The peer-reviewed journal publishes articles written on the basis of empirical and theoretical studies conducted by the authors. The problems of personality, cognitive sphere, questions of ecological, pedagogical, political, social, medical psychology, peculiarities of behavior that does not correspond to the norm are considered.

  • Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series “Radio Physics and Electronics”

    The transactions publish original research papers dealing with the results of experiments and results of theoretical or modeling studies. The transactions cover radio wave propagation in the near-Earth medium, radio diagnostics of the medium, wave propagation and diffraction in complicated electrodynamic structures, coupling between laser emissions and living and nonliving things, basic physics of semiconductor devices, etc.

    For researchers, PhD students, and senior-level students of radio physics.

  • Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological studies of contemporary society: methodology, theory, methods"

    Visnyk "Sociological studies of contemporary society: methodology, theory, methods" was founded by department of Sociology of the Kharkiv National University in 1983.

    Visnyk presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies of modern society from well-known Ukrainian and foreign scientists, as well as young researches. The attention is focused on the actual issues and perspectives of post-Soviet sociology development in social uncertainty conditions. It is intended for scientists, lecturers, students and postgraduates of sociological specialties and all those interested in sociological issues.

    Visnyk V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University  "Sociological studies of contemporary society: methodology, theory, methods" is a specialized edition in sociology (Order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine from 17.03.2020, No. 409)

  • The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications

    Фахове видання з соціальних комунікацій.

    У віснику розглядаються актуальні проблеми соціальних комунікацій на широкому матеріалі українського та зарубіжного інформаційних просторів.

    Для науковців, студентів і всіх, хто цікавиться проблемами соціально-комунікаційних процесів.

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science"

    The given scientific articles are dedicated to actual problems of modern philosophy and
    methodology of culture, ethics, aesthetics, Ukrainian and foreign culture.
    Visnyk is authorized in the field of philosophic science (certificate of the Ministry
    Education and Science of Ukraine №1328 from 21.12.2015.)

  • Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics

    Specialty edition in physical and mathematical sciences.

    The journal publishes articles and short messages containing original results of theoretical and experimental researches, as well as analytical reviews of literary sources on various topical issues of physics on topics of publication.

    The following sections are tadicy: theoretical physics, solid state physics, low temperature physics, physics of magnetic phenomena, optics and spectroscopy, general questions of physics (mathematical methods, teaching methods: physical experiment and others).

    The journal will be useful for physics teachers, researchers, graduate students, students.


  • Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations

    Фахове видання з педагогічних наук.

    Розглядаються теоретичні та методичні питання викладання мов у вищих навчальних закладах, принципи створення підручників і навчальних посібників, викладання аспектів мови та місце культурології у процесі навчання іноземних мов, міжпредметні зв’язки.

    Для науково-методичних працівників, методистів, викладачів, мaгіcтрантів та докторантів.

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”

    The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series “Philology” is a professional publication in the field of philological sciences (Specialty 035 «Philology»), category B (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 409 from 17.03.2020).

    The Journal contains original articles about topical issues of modern linguistics and study of literature. The journal is meant for scientists, postgraduate and doctoral students, students of philology and for everyone who is interested in philology problems.

  • The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias"

    Specialized edition for Philosophy, founded in 1965.

    The collection contains articles on a wide range of philosophical problems, in particular, the history of philosophy, social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of law, ethics, ontology, logic, hermeneutics, religious studies, philosophy of education, cultural studies, etc.

    Preference is given to original articles, which put forward new ideas, summarized the experience in formulating and solving advanced problems in the ukrainian and foreign studies. We publish materials that are critical reviews the achievements of philosophy, as well as a review of the scientific and methodological publications in the field of philosophical discipline. This collection is recommended for teachers of philosophy and cultural disciplines, researchers, graduate students, students and anyone interested in the philosophical problems of our time.

  • Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series

    Publishes papers devoted to various aspects of theoretical chemistry, chemical analysis, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry of solutions and surface phenomena, electrochemistry, materials chemistry. The bulletin is officially authorized by the Highest Attestation Commission of Ukraine to publish results of research submitted for PhD and ScD degrees. (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 of December 28, 2019)