Linguo-Cognitive Properties of Complex Irony in J. Barnes’ Idiostyle

  • Оксана Ярославівна Дойчик Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Keywords: accommodation, conceptual integration theory, idiostyle, integration, irony


This article deals with the analysis of cognitive mechanisms of rendering complex irony in Julian Barnes’ idiostyle. Conceptual integration theory is used to reconstruct linguo-cognitive parameters of textual linguistic means functioning which express the author’s ironic attitude. From the cognitive perspective irony is regarded as a conceptual projection between two different mental spaces which stand in opposition. The article considers cognitive parameters of irony expressed by author’s quotations, repetitions and ironic comments. The mechanism of their decoding corresponds to the mechanism of complex irony interpretation. Complex irony is interpreted with the help of mental operations of integration and accommodation. The aim of the addressee is to create contrast between the utterance and its cognitive environment. The utterance may integrate several mental spaces, the correlation among which is decoded with the help of the mental operation of accommodation. 


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How to Cite
Дойчик, О. Я. (2016). Linguo-Cognitive Properties of Complex Irony in J. Barnes’ Idiostyle. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (83), 66-72. Retrieved from