Redistribution of interlocutors’ roles as a factor of topic recontextualization

  • Liudmila Kovalchuck
Keywords: context model, interlocutor, recontextualization, redistribution of roles, topic


The given article deals with the study of peculiarities of topic recontextualization under conditions of redistribution of interlocutors’ roles. We singled out basic cases of redistribution of communicative partners’ roles, such as free-will transference of the communicative initiative by the speaker to the listener, self-willed seizure of the communicative initiative by the listener and modification of the communicative status of the side-recipient (from a passive observer to an active participant). Special attention is focused on the analysis of linguistic markers of topic recontextualization in discourse caused by redistribution of interlocutors’ roles. 


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How to Cite
Kovalchuck, L. (2016). Redistribution of interlocutors’ roles as a factor of topic recontextualization. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (83), 45-49. Retrieved from