Practical aspects of application of modern online platforms in professional training of future philologists of English

  • Marina Konieva Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods and Practice, School of Foreign Languages of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Olena Koltunova Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods and Practice, School of Foreign Languages, of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: online learning, online platforms, online resources, training of future philologists, the latest teaching aids


The article raises the issue of using modern online platforms and digital technologies in the training of future English philologists. Theoretical analysis of modern research has shown the relevance of the integration of online learning tools in the educational process. As a center of potential educational resources, the Internet is a limitless environment for learning English, so its use is quite common. Modern online resources are educational platforms for learning, designed specifically for blended and distance learning of school and student youth and designed to provide students with video instructions, notes, tests and the ability to track their learning progress. The aim of the article is to identify practical aspects of the use of modern online platforms in the training of future English philologists. The object of research is the process of professional training of future English philologists. The subject of the study is online platforms as a didactic environment for students. In the process of professional activity, the online platform for learning English MyEnglishLab is expedient to use. The interactive platform provides an opportunity to communicate with students in real time, monitor the progress of individual students and the group as a whole, receive reports of completed tasks online. Another online learning resource is online courses. Such specialized courses are «Very Verified», «Business English», Coursera, Moodle. We see prospects for further research in the theoretical research and practical use of information and communication technologies with students in English language classes, finding new ways to improve speaking skills, communication, communication of future philologists, research and application of distance and blended learning of English.


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How to Cite
Konieva , M., & Koltunova , O. (2022). Practical aspects of application of modern online platforms in professional training of future philologists of English. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (95), 85-91.