Communicative and pragmatic characteristics of the President’s New Year’s speech (on the material of the Ukrainian, English and Chinese languages)

Keywords: argumentation, communication, New Year's speech, personality, political discourse, president


The article considers the analysis of New Year's speeches of political figures – presidents of different countries. An important component of the politicians’ speeches is not only informing citizens about the life of the country, but also obtaining their commitment and support, convincing the audience of the correctness of their position in comparison with the positions of political opponents. To this aim, political figures provide arguments and facts, use various methods of persuasion. For everyone, therefore, politics plays a major role as an argument by which politicians deliberately influence the creation and modification of the opinion of the electorate. Research on New Year's speeches is relevant in political discourse. During the speech, there is a good opportunity to create the necessary atmosphere, combine the people, demonstrate respect for the people, summarize the conclusions of the last year, emphasize the importance of common achievements, indicate ways to solve common problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the New Year speeches of the presidents, to identify the main strategies of influence in their speeches. The object of the analysis is the New Year's speech of the President as a genre of political discourse, the subject is the means of argumentation and methods of influence in the New Year's speeches. The main task of the analysis of political discourse is the study of complex relations in the structure of “language-social” and “communication-state”. In political discourse, techniques are used, which are based, first of all, on the choice of appropriate information, the effect of which can be the imposition of one's opinion on the addressee. Analyzing the concept of political discourse, it should be noted that it is on the basis of communicative practices that the social or political personality is based, and at the expense of content created on the basis of discourse, changes in social structures occur. So, the advantage of any performance, of any text, is the harmony of form and content. Having investigated the style, structure and content of the texts of the New Year's speeches of political leaders of the countries, we can note that the New Year's speeches are different. But each speech has a meaningful and logical connection. And the well-organized structure of the speech, its content plays a special role in influencing and persuading the audience.


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Osnovni tipi diskursiv. Vidnovleno z

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How to Cite
Virotchenko , S., & Avdieienko , I. (2022). Communicative and pragmatic characteristics of the President’s New Year’s speech (on the material of the Ukrainian, English and Chinese languages). The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (95), 7-13.