Distance learning of future translators and interpreters: tools and experience of introduction

Keywords: distance learning tools, distance learning, future translators and interpreters, information and communication technologies, translator’s competence, translators’ and interpreters’ training


The article is devoted to the analysis of distance learning tools that can be used for teaching translation and to the description of the experience of introducing distance learning into the structure of future translators’ and interpreters’ professional training. Information and communication technologies have significantly changed the workflow of modern translators, who now mainly work on a freelance basis, performing the entire work cycle from translation, editing, quality control and sending the completed translation to a customer or a translation company using a number of technical translation tools. Changes have not bypassed interpreters, because thanks to interpreting management systems and interpreting delivery platforms, they are able to work remotely, and the trend persists. All of this makes distance learning more relevant than ever, because in addition to gaining professional knowledge and developing students’ skills and abilities, it is necessary to develop a culture of working remotely, so the aim of the study is to analyze distance learning tools for future translators and interpreters and to study the experience of introducing distance learning into the structure of professional training by determining the subjective attitude of students to its use. Among the main tools that can be used to provide the distance learning of translation and interpreting, we have identified Zoom, Skype, Google Classroom, Viber and e-mail, which were used to organize distance learning for future translators and interpreters during the national quarantine in March – April 2020. Participants of the anonymous survey included 34 third- and fourth-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, who were asked to share their subjective impressions about distance learning, assessing their own attitude to a number of parameters using a 5-point scale. The questionnaire showed a generally positive attitude of students to the distance format (the average result taking into account the answers to all 20 questions of the questionnaire totaled to 3.74) and revealed some shortcomings in the organization and preparation of materials for students’ independent work (too many tasks and the lack of their quality). Distance learning tools such as Google Classroom and Zoom received the highest scores, which can be explained by their ease of use, best learning interactivity and effective feedback among students and instructors.


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How to Cite
ОльховськаA. С. (2020). Distance learning of future translators and interpreters: tools and experience of introduction. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (91). https://doi.org/10.26565/2227-8877-2020-91-20