Discursive environment as a medium for the social roles realization

Keywords: discursive personality, marginal zone of discursive environment, non-verbal communicative component, nuclear zone of discursive environment, peripheral zone of discursive environment, social role, stance-subject, verbal communicative component


The article is focused on the study of the speech realization of social roles in the nuclear, marginal and peripheral zones of the speaker’s discursive environment through verbal and non-verbal communicative components. The speaker, who is in the focus of this research, performs certain social roles in interaction with other people. This kind of focus puts this work on the one stage with the latest human-centric research. The discursive interpretation of anthropocentrism is motivated by the need to fix communicative structures and operations that presuppose communicatively successful parties of a discursive personality. The social roles realization is reflected in linguistic and pragmatic features, namely, in the variability of verbal and non-verbal communicative components. The research material – dialogical discursive fragments displaying the change of roles configurations – allows to identify and describe the epistemological basis of successful communicative interaction. Discourse and linguopragmatic research tools help to establish the verbal and non-verbal communicative components used by the individual in different discursive environments and conditions for successful communication according to the type of ​​discursive environment and the distancing level of stance-subjects. The article grounds the interconnection between the social role and stance-taking, thus, explaining the potential of the discursive environment as a medium for the social roles realization.


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How to Cite
Скриннік, Ю. С. (2020). Discursive environment as a medium for the social roles realization. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (90), 27-32. https://doi.org/10.26565/2227-8877-2019-90-04