Creative discourse identity in the ecosystem of creative activity

Keywords: creative activity, creative discourse identity, ecological contact, ecological consciousness, linguocreativity, violation of norms


This article considers characteristic features of creative discourse identities of a pedagogue and linguistic scholar in the light of ecological consciousness. It is proved that from the ecological point of view creativity of a person is realized in his/her creative activity, constituting his/her characteristic feature that manifests itself in the dialogic process – ecological contact of a person with Him/Herself and the environment. We conclude that ecologism becomes apparent in the specific character of correlation of individual creative intentions with the social context. In particular, the process of creativity finds expression in creative innovations of Homo Creans – a talented pedagogue and linguist. Reflections concerning the notion of “identity” are presented; they do not coincide with the usage of the concept of identity as a constituent of the notion of “discourse identity”. The main criteria of studying a creative personality, whose creative efforts are materialized in words, are brought to light (conceptually-specific eco-format, interdisciplinary methodology, foreshortenings of studying a creative identity, activity and basic traits of the latter). The importance of creativity of a pedagogue who produces creative ideas realized in creative tasks as well as of a linguistic scholar who “creates” with language is stressed. Linguocreative activity is often connected with the intentional violation of language and speech norms; it is aimed at creative language games. A game is a creative method of a pedagogue (didactic games) and linguist (language games), a specific “model of reality” (Yu. M.  Lotman). Creative approach in pedagogics and linguistics harmonizes the relations between the society and environment; it is an important component of the creative ecological process of cognition and teaching.


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How to Cite
Самохіна, В. О. (2020). Creative discourse identity in the ecosystem of creative activity. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (90), 19-26.