Rendering English Synesthetic Metaphors of Hearing Senses in Ukrainian Translations

Keywords: description, cognitive model, modus, synesthetic metaphor, translation


This research aims at revealing cognitive models that licence English-Ukrainian translations of synesthetic metaphors of hearing senses. To reach this aim it employs methodological tools of cognitive translation analysis conducted on the level of cognitive models, which underpin linguistic structure, determining its lexical-grammatical features and, consequently, the methods/transformations of translation. Synesthetic metaphors of hearing are addressed as linguistic units (free or phraseological phrases/utterances) which represent hearing sensations in terms of sensations of a different mode, where mode is understood as "a sign system interpretable because of specific perception process" which "would link modes one-to-one to five senses". Traditionally, cognitive scientists distinguish five basic senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, all of them being exteroceptive. In the hierarchy of mental structures, licencing the use of language, modes of senses correlate with the basic domains, distinguished by R. Langacker. A synesthetic metaphor is a mapping where both domains are basic, e.g., TASTE is TOUCH; SMELL is TOUCH/ TASTE/ TEMPERATURE. Application of methodological tools of cognitive translation analysis revealed 3 basic models of synesthetic metaphors of hearing senses and their specifications: SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is ORIENTATION IN SPACE such as UP/DOWN; SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is TOUCH/PRESSURE; SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is SIGHT. The most frequently actualised model is SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is ORIENTATION IN SPACE. It is followed by SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is SIGHT (specified by SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is SENSE OF OBJECT TEXTURE) and SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is SIGHT (specified by SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is COLOUR; PITCH OF TONE is BRIGHT/LIGHT COLOUR; SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is SENSE OF OBJECT SHAPE; SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is SENSE OF LITTLE/BIG OBJECT). The original synesthetic metaphorical models were revealed to be lost in 64 %; preserved in 32 % and substituted by different models in 4 % of translations. The most frequently lost model is SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is ORIENTATION IN SPACE; the most frequently preserved model is SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is TOUCH/PRESSURE; the model SOUND/PITCH OF TONE is SIGHT is sometimes substituted in translation.


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How to Cite
Жулавська, О. О. (2019). Rendering English Synesthetic Metaphors of Hearing Senses in Ukrainian Translations. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (89), 29-35.