Linguistic objectification of stereotype presentations of interpersonal roles of mother-in-law and son-in-law in the text of the English-language joke

Keywords: English-language joke, son-in-law, interpersonal roles, role, laugh, stereotype, mother-in-law


The article deals with the research of linguistic objectification of stereotype presentations of interpersonal roles of mother-in-law and son-in-law in the text of the English-language joke. Jokes, which carnivalize domestic relations in the English-language culture, as a rule, push off from presuppositions of traditional patriarchal stereotypes. The interpersonality roles of husband and wife have economic and psychological subsoil. Economic subsoil is marked by sexual distribution of types of activity taking into account the physiology capacity of a woman for birth-rate of children and, thus, reproducing of labour force. Such distribution of roles gives a man some economic lordship over a woman, fastening the socially-psychological role of head of family after him, financial providing of family is included in the duties of a man, and retains a woman the role of a wife/house-owner/mother who ought to take care of problems of way of life. Psychological subsoil of interpersonality roles of husband and wife is directly connected with economic one. The real interpersonality roles of husband and wife in the patriarchal English-language culture are symbolized as a miner-bread-winner-defender and a guard of fireside. In turn, examining the roles of mother-in-law and son-in-law, it is possible to make sure with confidence in large amount of jokes in which mother-in-law is given as personification of negative stereotype woman internals. Thus, nature of these internals mainly remains without explication. In the article different classifications of roles, and also the concept of role are considered in detail. The results of the analysis allow to draw a conclusion that the stereotype presentation of representatives of English-language lingvoculture of mother-in-law as a foolish and quarrelsome old woman who is the source of problems and presents no value, is given mainly through the prism of attitude toward her of her son-in-law, but not because of her own actions. It confirms a conclusion about presence of gender asymmetry in the laugh representation of gender stereotypes in texts of the English-language jokes.


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How to Cite
Сергіївна, П. А. (2019). Linguistic objectification of stereotype presentations of interpersonal roles of mother-in-law and son-in-law in the text of the English-language joke. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (89), 18-23.