Linguodidactic Ideas of Yakym Yarema
The article for the first time investigates the linguodidactic aspects of the activity and scientific achievements of Ukrainian scientist Yakym Yakymovych Yarema (1884–1964). In order to achieve the goal, his scientific and pedagogical scientific heritage has been analyzed, an argumentative choice of works related to linguodidactics in general and methods of teaching a foreign language in particular have been carried out. While using the comparative-historical method, the methodological approaches of Ya.Ya. Yarema and L.V. Shcherba, who is considered to be the one of the leading linguodidacts of the time, are compared. Analytically and synthetically it was found out that the method of teaching a foreign language composed by Yakyma Yarema essentially is a grammatical and communicative, structurally-degree-concentric, designed to provide artificial (without the linguistic environment) method of assimilating another's language, including passive-reproductive exercise, however is based on active-productive exercises.
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