Methodology of Future Teacher’s Professional Communication Formation by Means of Foreign Languages
The article is dedicated to study the methodology of future teacher professional communication formation during the foreign languages lessons in higher pedagogical educational institutions. The authors of the article investigate scientific literature on the topic and summarize the concepts of communication, pedagogical communication and professional communication, study their features and show the necessary conditions of successful communication organization in the educational process. The importance of the person-oriented and professionally-oriented approaches to foreign languages study in higher educational establishments is proved, on the basis of analysis of these approaches general descriptions. The authors of the article line up the scheme of work for a teacher for the future teachers students professional communication formation by means of foreign languages. The importance of the foreign language teacher’s behavior and work is marked as a standard and main organizer of educational process; he/she uses various educational methods, techniques and facilities, professionally-oriented literature and extracurricular events and art lessons for upbringing of international level specialist, who will be able to carry out communication in the professional field.
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