Laughter as an immediate responsive communicative action of recipients in English ideation speeches

Keywords: ideation discourse, ideation speech, laughter, responsive communicative action


The article deals with study of responsive communicative actions of recipients in English ideation speeches that are expressed as laughter. English ideation speech is a structured and time-limited oral speech by an ideator using multi-modal actions relevant for communication , that is happening in front of the audience (recipients), directly or indirectly included into communication, that is the same time and space coordinates with the ideator (directly in a studio where the ideator performs live) or at different time and space coordinates (watching recorded performance of the ideator). Ideation speeches are to convey certain ideas to the audience so that they are implemented into social practice. Responsive actions of recipients are implicit-evaluative (number of views of ideation speech video) or explicit-evaluative (comprehensive written evaluation in comments and unexpanded evaluation through choosing evaluating adjectives form a given list). Immediate responsive actions can be spontaneous, initiated by recipients themselves, and non-spontaneous, initiated by the ideator. Spontaneous immediate responsive actions are expressed as laughter, exclamations, applause, that prove communicative success of speech, acceptance of the ideator and the ideator`s idea. Study of responsive actions of recipients gives an opportunity to determine success or failure of a certain initial communicative strategy of ideator. Audience's laughter is the sign of success of the ideator's ommunicative act to change the mode from serious to humorous. Laughter shows that recipients comprehend and understand the point of a joke. In some cases laughter expresses different emotional reactions of recipients, like, for instance, surprise, disgust, excitement, etc.


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How to Cite
Кайсіна, Д. М. (2018). Laughter as an immediate responsive communicative action of recipients in English ideation speeches. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (87), 107-113.