Utterance as the Unit of Analysing Self-presentation Strategy in the English-language Discourse

Keywords: characteristic features, English-language dialogical discourse, identification, self-presentation, self-presenteme, utterance


The article provides insights into characteristic features of utterances-self-presentemes and the ways of their identification in the English-language dialogical discourse. The understanding of self-presentation as a discursive phenomenon and a discourse strategy prompts that it is an utterance which acts as a self-presenteme. Utterances-self-presentemes have the identification frame as their conceptual base. These utterances are built on the syntactic model Pronoun (1st person sing/pl) + be + Noun. Explicit utterances self-presentemes are formed on the variants of this model; implicit utterances self-presentemes can be transformed into those formed on the variants in this model. The identification of utterances-self-presentemes in the English-language dialogical discourse involves contextual analysis which proves to be necessary for implicit utterances-self-presentemes and explicit utterances-self-presentemes with Pronoun 1st person pl (group self-presentemes).


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How to Cite
Кабірі, М. Х. (2018). Utterance as the Unit of Analysing Self-presentation Strategy in the English-language Discourse. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (87), 100-106. https://doi.org/10.26565/2227-8877-2018-87-12