Specific Features of Literature Discourse and its Aspects
The article provides insights into the nature of literature discourse and its cognitive and communicative aspects. This type of discourse is viewed as cognitive-communicative interaction between the author and the reader, taking place in certain historical and socio-cultural context and embodied in literary texts. The “author’s image” dominates in the cognitive aspect of literature discourse; in discursive perspective it is viewed as the author’s mental world presented by the author’s world image, the author’s artistic conceptosphere which result from the individual perception of the general linguocultural knowledge of a certain historic period and literary trend. A certain part of the author’s world image is the background of the concept of the literary text. The regulatory potential of the author’s world image in literature (prose) discourse implements itself by realization of discourse strategies that are instruments of regulation. In the narrator’s discourse zone the narrative strategy is the global one while in the character’s zone it is the representative strategy which represents a variety of discourse strategies employed by individuals in real communications.
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