Semantics of the phraseological units with the component HUND in the modern German language
The article is devoted to the semantics of the phraseological units with the component HUND in the modern German language research. The author defines the semantic content of the word HUND in the German language of the XXI century through a term, functional style and transferred meaning. Also the author distinguishes and specifies the etymology of the element, determines its original motivation – “one of the mountain animals”, which makes an appeal to the Early Indo-European language. The transferred meaning of the element under analysis in the semantic structure of the German language of the XX–XXI centuries is highlighted. Thorough analysis of the experimental card index made by author on the ground of such lexicographical sources as: the most authoritative German explanatory (“WAHRIG”) and phraseological (“DUDEN”) dictionaries, the bilingual phraseological dictionary of L.S. Osovetska and K.M. Silvestrova; the most complete among all German-Ukrainian dictionaries, where widely presented to phraseology – common figures of speech, idioms, phrases, stamps, sayings, proverb are presented (V. Müller), gave an opportunity to make some conclusion about the limitation of the lexical means of the semantics “dog” verbalization. The author proves that lexical means coincide with the zoological term being oriented at the same time onto the common and transferred usage. From the morphological point of view a dog is represented by two basic parts of speech: noun and pronoun. The noun is characterized by the grammatical categories of gender (masculine), number (single, plural), case (nominative, dative, accusative), definiteness (definite article), indefiniteness (indefinite article), omission (zero article). The pronoun is differentiated according to the semantics feature and is represented by the third person in plural in the nominative case; its parallel functions are defined as conjunction and subject of the subordinate sentence. The multiplicity of the semantics of the analyzed material predetermined by the lingual and extralingual factors is defined. The conclusions verify the widely know statements of linguists about the transfer of the term to the category of the common lexis, semantical development of a word under the influence of the linguistic and extralinguistic factors and the appearance of the semantic potential of a word in the communicative and pragmatic aspects.
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