Application of Cognitive Technologies within the Framework of Lecture Courses
The article is dedicated to the study of didactic potential of cognitive technologies and strategies which might be applied at lectures on «Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages». Approaches to planning educational process have been analyzed. The importance of effective teaching environment has been revealed. It was grounded that in such an environment a student becomes the subject of his/her own education; he/she builds personal educational trajectory; sets aims; chooses content and education forms. On the basis of the conducted research the authors drew the following conclusion. “Reinforced lecture” can be designed in the frames of ABC model (Anticipation – Building Knowledge – Consolidation). In this case education becomes a guided process; students not only get certain information on an academic subject but also learn to critically evaluate it and use in a new context. The strategies which lead to students’ activity, boost mental skills, provoke discussion, stimulate critical thinking, promote respect for diversity of ideas have been suggested.
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