English teaching faculty development workshop: international experience and prospects for ukraine
The article deals with the issue of holding international seminars for the teachers of English for special purposes and sharing their experience among teaching staff inUkraine. As a model, the English Teaching Faculty Development Workshop organized and held under the NATO aegis by the Partner Language Training Center Europe inGermanysince 2015 was taken. The seminar presents current language teaching methodologies and practices for military contexts, with a focus on teaching speaking and writing. According to my hypothesis, knowledge obtained at any specialized seminar / workshop can be successfully extrapolated to any other area of teaching English for specific purposes. The article elaborates on a number of relevant issues such as STANAG requirements as to educational levels; language proficiency and skills; teachers’ instructions, and classroom activities monitoring. Activity Root Map was described as a methodological tool to successfully plan a lesson with the focus on speaking. Activity Route Map provides a teacher with a set of checklists to consider as they plan a lesson. The concept of micro-teaching was introduced as a teacher training technique, whereby the teacher reviews a recording of a teaching session, in order to get constructive feedback from peers and facilitators about what has worked and what improvements can be made to their teaching.
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Ur P.A course in English language teaching / P. Ur.– Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. – 336 p.