Synergetics of speech product composition

  • Лідія Сергіївна Піхтовникова V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: addresser’s instructions, levels of composition, marker, speech product, synergistic processes


The article considers various interpretations of the notion of the composition of a speech product; individual factors of its self-organization have been investigated. It has been substantiated that the interpretation of the composition with a description of its four-level hierarchy is the most universal. Such a hierarchy consists of a formal, formal-informative, informative and figurative-associative (symbolic) / conceptual levels. It has been shown that other concepts of composition, along with their merits, have a number of disadvantages and are partially included into a more complete concept of four levels.

In unformalized texts, such as, for example, artistic, journalistic, popular science and other texts, self-organization is inherent to the composition. This synergy in its nature process arises from the contradictions that are organically present at each level of composition. Overcoming of the contradictions leads to building the structure (composition) of the speech product which is unchanged in any discourse by the number of levels and their purpose, but individual by the author’s realization.

The article gives examples and explanations of how the texts use markers to link the levels of composition and to ensure its synergy. The change in the semantics of the marker when using it at different hierarchical levels of the composition is shown. In this case, the marker evolves from a simple notation of the same meaning in different parts of the text to a symbolic designation of a figurative or conceptual meaning at the highest level of composition. So-called addresser’s instructions as to how to read and understand the text have been studied in the article. Such instructions are often found either in the text itself or in the meta text, and interact with markers transforming them. Examples of such instructions are given, ranging from simple and trivial ones to those that change the internal structure of all levels of the composition of a speech product. The latter cases occur in the postmodern literature.

The future development of this work consists in further study of synergistic processes in the composition and more detailed identification of linguistic tools of these processes.


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How to Cite
Піхтовникова, Л. С. (2018). Synergetics of speech product composition. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (86), 103-109.