Visual language of illustration as a means of communication (based on the English and Ukrainian languages)

  • Тетяна Геннадіївна Лук'янова V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: colors, communication, figures, film review, illustration, lines, polycode text, semiotic analysis, semiotic system, shapes, symbolic units of natural language and artistic illustration of architectural structure


The article looks at the problem of interpretation of polycode texts by representatives of different cultures, which brings us closer to understanding the cognitive-affective basis of human communicative activity; the paper highlights the special features inherent in the language of architecture, art illustration and film, aimed at dialogue with society. In particular, the article investigates the communicative function of polycode texts combining the signs of various semiotic systems, which represent one referential situation by various semiotic means. The paper focuses on verbal interpretation of these texts by representatives of different cultures. It carries out a semiotic analysis of film reviews by critics and descriptions of the interpretation of the symbols of the illustration. The article finds general and distinctive features in these descriptions and looks at units of two semiotic systems: words and sentences / colors, shapes, figures and lines.


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How to Cite
Лук’янова, Т. Г. (2018). Visual language of illustration as a means of communication (based on the English and Ukrainian languages). The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (86), 32-40.