Category EMOTIONS as a multimodal linguo-cognitive matrix of Homo Sentiens discourse ecology

  • Юлія Юріївна Шамаєва V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: category, concept, discourse, emotion, multimodality, semiotic system


The present article focuses on the issue of revealing the multimodal nature of the verbally objectivized category EMOTIONS as a linguo-cognitive matrix of Homo Sentiens discourse ecology. Drawing upon philosophy of emotion and cognitive theories of emotion to complement the linguo-cognitive and cognitive-discursive approaches, I elaborate a multimodal framework where interdiscursive representation of emotion is regarded as a specific architectonics of semiotic cognitive-perceptive choices derived from linguo-cognitive components of conceptualized emotions. In terms of our research interdiscursive representation of emotion is proved to be its matrix actualization in the major linguoculture semiotics, such as semiotics of human movement (dancing, acting, circus), semiotics of sound (music), semiotics of art expression (sculpture, painting, architecture, cinema), semiotics of literature and media through the corresponding discourses concerning the above that constitute our ecology. The paper provides insights into a comprehensive theoretical account of the ways various multichannel semiotics expressed by discursive means represent the category EMOTIONS, stemming from its multimodality.


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How to Cite
Шамаєва, Ю. Ю. (2018). Category EMOTIONS as a multimodal linguo-cognitive matrix of Homo Sentiens discourse ecology. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (86), 6-14.