Methodological potential of the cognitive model of the person’s spiritual being pyramid
In this paper the authors, on the basis of a systemic approach, analyze the methodological potential of a cognitive model representing the pyramid of the person’s spiritual being. This article focuses on the main requirements for modeling cognitive processes on the plane of the individual’s spiritual being differentiated into existential, mental, transcendental spheres, and consciousness. Research results emphasize that, in the existential sphere of the individual’s spiritual being, cognitive processes are based on his/her emotional (unconscious) thinking. The mental sphere, which together with the transcendental one forms a sub-conscious psychic level, is characterized by emotional type of thinking. In the transcendental sphere, the acts of cognition are realized by means of rational thinking, while the consciousness controls the results of cognitive processes’ self-development solely on a logical basis. By synthesizing the ideas of modern most productive systemic and synergetic methods, the authors substantiate the use of a systemic approach to the formation of a universal synergetic model of the self-development of speaking-and-thinking and thinking-and-acting processes in the person’s spiritual sphere. The paper also proves practically unlimited methodological potential of the cognitive universal model of the pyramid of the individual’s spiritual being; and draws up a methodological perspective of its wider application not only in the field of linguistic, psychological and social studies, but also in historical, economic, political and other areas of knowledge that deal with the individual’s speaking-and-thinking and thinking-and-acting activities in the processes of person’s communicative, intellectual and transformative behavior.
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