Methodology of interpreting the results of the interdisciplinary lingual-and-energetic research

Keywords: cognition, speaking, thinking, synergetics, psycho-energygram


In this paper, the authors substantiate the specificity of a new method and methodological and technological procedures for a complex qualitative-and-quantitative description of the results of non-traditional interdisciplinary lingual-and-energetic studies of stochastic self-developing cognitive processes of human speaking-and-thinking activities. Methodological possibilities and rules of a comprehensive assessment of qualitative and quantitative aspects of these processes’ self-development are described in the paper. Using a theoretical principle of preserving the utterance’s emotional-and-pragmatic potential as well as the dimensionless K-criterion for defining the level of the utterance emotional-and-pragmatic potential, the authors work out the analysis method based on a psycho-energygram that presents the self-development of cognitive processes of speaking-and-thinking activities in the individual’s spiritual sphere. The trajectories of the analyzed processes’ self-development are considered from the standpoint of synergetic knowledge and thus are interpreted in the form of corresponding attractor structures with bifurcation points that acquire the cognitive status of concepts. The methodology described in the paper opens up new possibilities for a scientific quantitative description of the dynamics of self-developing processes of the individual’s speaking-and-thinking activities. These activities are viewed by the authors in their direct correlation with the reasons that actualize qualitative and meaningful acts generated by psychic and physiological bases of a person’s communicative behavior.


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How to Cite
Kalyta, A., & Klymenyuk, O. (2021). Methodology of interpreting the results of the interdisciplinary lingual-and-energetic research. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (23), 51-61.