Keywords: beliefs, linguistic attitudes, Andalusian sociolinguistics, teaching English, language policy.


The general purpose of this research is to determine the beliefs and attitudes of young people of Andalusia towards English. The information was recollected through an anonymous survey with both closed and open questions and Likert scales to obtain the largest possible number of informants from different social groups with different degrees of studying in various specializations. We have analysed the beliefs and attitudes of the informants towards learning English as a foreign language and their positions regarding the importance of this language in different aspects of daily and professional life.

The aim of the work is to carry out a sociolinguistic study about the attitudes of young Andalusians and the possible factors that in their opinion influenced the formation of their beliefs towards English as a global language. As one of the crucial factors that influences the opinions of young people all over the world, we also paid attention to the linguistic policy carried out by Spanish government as well as the Andalusian one. As a result, we managed to obtain a spectrum of factors that play an important role in the formation of the linguistic beliefs and their posterior development into the attitudes towards the phenomenon.


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How to Cite
BYCHKOVA, A. (2021). BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES OF ANDALUSIAN YOUTH TOWARDS ENGLISH. Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 1(6), 61–71.