Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology
<p><strong>International Scientific Journal of Philology</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN 2521-6481</strong></p> <p>Published once-twice a year</p> <p><strong>Publisher:</strong> Department of Romance Philology and Translation of the School of Foreign Languages at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.</p> <p><strong>Journal’s mission</strong> is to consolidate scientific efforts aimed to interprete the cultural perspective of philological research.</p> <p><strong>Language of publication:</strong> English, French, Italian, Spanish.</p> <p>The articles had internal and external review.</p> (Iryna RUDNYEVA) (Tetiana Cherkashyna)Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000OJS OF THE NATIONAL CULTURE OF THE FRENCH PEOPLE IN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH A GASTRONOMIC COMPONENT
<p>The article considers the connection between the language and culture of the French people, analyzes the two-way nature of this connection, shows the importance of researching the national character traits of the people to reveal their mentality. The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between gastronomy which is an integral part of culture and phraseology which characterizes a certain language. It is the combined study of these concepts that allows to determine the peculiarities of the formation and development of the culture of the French people as a whole. The article also defines the main concepts used in the research - such as "language", "culture", "phraseology", "phraseology with a gastronomic component". The article also provides a general description of French cuisine, defines the list of products that are particularly popular among the French people. In this connection, it has been established that the most widespread phraseological units in the French language are the phraseological units with gastronomic component which are related to food. The article also provides examples of phraseological units with a gastronomic component, based on the classification of phraseological units proposed by the scientist O. Lapinina according to the subject-concept relationship. Among the researched phraseological units there are expressions representing food products of animal and plant origin (namely, meat and meat products;vegetables and greens); names of flavorings, seasonings and raw materials; names of ready meals); gastronomic components for designation of alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks. In addition, the article analyzes the history of the origin of individual phraseological units with a gastronomic component and what underlies the formation of these phraseological units. As a result of the study, it has been concluded that the most common criteria used for the formation of phraseological units with a gastronomic component are, in particular, the following: laws of biology - description of the behavior of certain animals or features of plant development, habits and traditions of the people at a certain historical stage, characteristic features of their life, food preferences, etc. The article also identifies potential areas of application of research results to other social sciences.</p>Angelina ALBOSHCHA, Diana PESOTSKA
Copyright (c) 2023 Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000PRAGMATIGS OF ADVERTISING DISCOURSE IN THE GERMAN-SPEAKING ENVIRONMENT
<p>The article explores the rapid development of linguistic pragmatics in the 20th and 21st centuries, highlighting the formation of sub-disciplines such as discourse analysis, historical <br>pragmatics, cognitive pragmatics, gender pragmatics, and others. Special attention is given to multimodal linguistic pragmatics, which demonstrates high potential for integration. The <br>study analyzes metacommunication in advertising texts as multimodal formations, focusing on the German-language advertising discourse. The term "metapragmatics" is used to <br>describe the discipline that studies means of managing linguistic interaction, particularly metacommunicative expressions. The article is dedicated to the pragmatics of advertising <br>discourse in the German-speaking environment. The research identifies the properties of metacommunicative expressions and their role in a multimodal context. The analysis is <br>based on 159 printed advertising texts from 1995 to 2023, employing strategic discourse, multimodality, and implicature analysis. The study's conclusions indicate the possibility of <br>integrating metapragmatics with multimodal pragmatics in advertising discourse. Metacommunicative expressions in advertising are multimodal, utilizing various sensory <br>and communicative modes to express meanings. Advertising texts demonstrate various types of metacommunicative expressions incorporated into different parts of the text. The <br>article makes a significant contribution to the development of linguistic pragmatics, especially in the processes of integrating sub-disciplines such as metapragmatics, discursive, <br>and multimodal pragmatics. The research opens new perspectives for analyzing metacommunication in different types of discourse and underscores the importance of comprehensive studies for understanding complex semiotic systems.</p>Daria BERBENETS
<p>A multimedia as one of the influencing aspects of the professional orientation of future philologists-translators is considered in the article. Analyzing modern scientific literature <br>concerning a given matter allows us to state the existence of different points of view on the interpretation regarding the phenomenon of professional orientation: as a part of the <br>individual's orientation, its specific form; as a defining dynamic component of the general orientation. The professional orientation of an individual is being understood as a specific aspect of the general orientation, as a professional self-determination of an individual, and as a system of internal motives. The professional orientation of philologists-translators can be examined through the perspective of various factors, since the practice of forming professional orientation requires identifying the most effective measures that allow to achieve established goals, and therefore the necessity to refer to modern tools that optimize the educational process occurs. A functional range of multimedia resources allows us to conclude that the use of multimedia tools for the development of professional orientation of translators and interpreters is highly beneficial. Therefore, the modern education system should be changed in order to meet the new requirements of the current job market. One of the possible approaches to accelerate this trend is to form students' professional orientation taking into consideration the specifics of their occupation. The specifics of philologists-translators' work is defined as translation, which is a type of language mediation that determines the dominance of the communicative and intermediary function. A professional philologist-translator is a mediator of communication who conveys initial information by creating an equivalent communicative text in another language. Appropriate use of multimedia technologies determines the choice of the tools for the forming of professional orientation. Using multimedia resources ensures accurate decoding and transcoding of messages aimed at the consumer of information and enables to analyze information accurately. </p>Tetiana BOCHANYKOVA
Copyright (c) 2023 Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000SELF-IDENTITY CONFLICT IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (on the example of the novel « Ni Ève, Ni Adam » of Amélie Notomb)
<p>The article is dedicated to Amélie Nothomb, a Belgian writer who became known throughout the world thanks to her autobiographical novels. This collection allows the reader to explore the life and adventures of the novels' main character, Amélie. In the work it was possible to research and analyze the meaning and events of each of these novels, special attention was paid to the novel "Neither Eve nor Adam". This novel served as an example illustrating many problems that can happen to lovers in international relationships. Using the example of this novel, the work explored the main problems and advantages of relationships with people representing other countries: what might be the risks and why it is still worth trying if a no one has the ability and desire to do so. The novel, in turn, helps each reader make a final decision, its pages describe in detail many everyday trifles with which the main characters had to live, in addition, the author emphasizes his own "I" , which can be easily lost. , or even lost, if you only set one goal: to merge as quickly as possible with a foreign culture. Finally, it was possible to search for the Ukrainian translation of the original novel on the pages of the work. The fragments of the novel that, in my opinion, best reflect the daily life, life and relationship of Amélie and Rinri were also chosen for translation. Through the analysis of the translation of this novel, we can understand exactly how the original is perceived by a French-speaking reader, and the translation by a Ukrainian reader.</p>Mykhailo BONDARENKO
Copyright (c) 2023 Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000PREHISPANIC AGRARIAN MYTHIC IN THE PIHCHU CARNAVAL, FROM THE CITY OF CUSCO
<p>This study of two versions of a song from the Cusco Carnival shows its pre-Hispanic dimension. The first version is considered a European song, but the rite accompanying the dance has no European background. The second version is entitled puxllay. Puxllay also designates the ritual battles where men incite the mountains to give them water (the mountain's blood) through their own bleeding. One stanza is quasi-similar in both versions: it pushes the listeners to unbridled dancing until "red water bursts," possibly following the puxllay's logic. The place where it was sung and danced -the hill of Pihchu- had a crucial mythical dimension associated with a mythical ancestor, the Apu Yauira. In the traditional Andean agricultural and festive calendar, February marks the change from the rainy season to the cold and dry season and the return to the underground lands of the dead, who accompanied the living during germination. From my point of view, the farewell of the Pihchu Carnival is the annual farewell of the mythical ancestor.</p>Edmer CALERO DEL MAR
Copyright (c) 2023 Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000UKRAINIAN ALLUSIONS IN HISPANIC AMERICAN LITERATURE: FROM MAZEPA TO PUTIN
<p>The article offers a brief overview of some works written in Latin American countries from the late 19th to the early 21st century, which contain references to Ukrainian realities, but have not hitherto become the object of literary criticism from this angle. This oversight is regrettably common to literary studies both on the Latin American and the Ukrainian side. Thus, three writers from Mexico, one from the Argentine and one from Nicaragua have never been examined from this point of view, wheras the literary presence of Ukraine in that area of the world lies outside the scope interest of Latin American scholarly research. The figure of the Ukrainian leader Stepán Mazepa, which appears in two poems – <em>Trilogy</em> and <em>Lamentation of the Voluptuous</em> – by the outstanding Mexican author Amado Nervo, parallels the way it is conceived of by several 19th-century European writers (including Victor Hugo), being treated in rather metaphysical terms, with as good as no regard for the Ukrainian national and historical context. <em>The Jewish Gauchos</em>, a novel by the Argentine writer Alberto Gerchunoff, includes some fond memories of the author’s childhood spent in Ukraine, as well as a condemnation of the oppression of the Jews by the Russian tsarism. Taking his hint from A. Gerchunoff, the prominent Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío makes in his <em>Canto a la Argentina</em> a general mention of the Jews of the Russian Empire who were able to resettle in that country. A sophisticated investigation of some enigmas of the Second World War by the Mexican Ignacio Padilla led the author, in his detective novel <em>Amphitryon</em>, to an original appraisal of the Civil War in Russia, with sympathies expressed towards the Ukrainians’ aspirations for independence. The Mexican Jorge Zepeda Patterson, whose novel <em>Milena or The most beautiful femur in the world</em> bears a clear reference to the initial stage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014, seeks to unmask the deep secrets of the international sex racket mafia as one of the dirty faces of big politics, especially on the side of Russia.</p>Ígor ÓRZHITSKIY
<p>The article carries out a systematic analysis of the fable texts and the theoretical concepts of the fable, which belong to the famous German fabulist and theoretician of the fable, parable, and joke, Wilfried Liebchen. It was been proven that his fables and concepts are included in the general evolutionary-synergistic model of the development of the fiction genre, which was developed by the Ukrainian school of linguistic synergetics. The article presents and explains the main principles that, according to V. Liebhen, determine the existence and productivity of the fable genre. These are the principles of cognition, purpose and goal. The specifics of the components of the cognition principle are described in the fable, although, of course, every other literary genre is formed according to this principle in its own way. It is also noted that the principle of purpose in the specifics of the fable genre is the requirement of a visual illustration of a complex social phenomenon, a sociocultural factor that is easily generalizable. V. Liebhen opposes the limitations of the stylistic possibilities of the fable. Contrary to Lessing, V. Liebhen recognizes the productivity of not only the Aesopian (rhetorical) fable, but also the epic one. An analysis and evaluation of V. Liebhen fables and their role in the fable evolution of the 20th and early 21st centuries is provided. The stylistics and composition of fables of this period and ways of expressing meaning are analyzed; at the same time, it is noted that the modern fable achieves the fulfillment of the principles of its existence by other means than the fables of previous eras. In particular, in the fables of the 20th and 21st centuries, an unfinished image-symbol, a hierarchical plot appears. This creates prerequisites for a comprehensive perception of the idea of a fable by the reader. According to our observations, the modern fable reflects the realities due to its deep synergetic nature. Namely, it contains deep contradictions in its structure and meaning, which it creatively resolves, and also depends during its formation on attractors, which can be classified into separate groups (social, thematic, stylistic). So, the modern fable is a synergetic system. The conducted research is a contribution to the general synergetic theory of fiction style and to stylistic synergetics.</p>Lidiya PIKHTOVNIKOVA
Copyright (c) 2023 Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000THE MYTHOPOETIC STRUCTURE OF SCHMITT'S NOVEL "ULYSSES FROM BAGDAD"
<p>The article examines an important stage in the literary work of E.-E. Schmitt, represented by the book "Ulysses from Bagdad» (2008). The author explores the political, socio-cultural <br>problems and internal conflicts of the immigrant Saad Saad, who suffered from the consequences of the war in his native country. The problems of international assistance to <br>refugees, closed borders, bureaucracy and hypocrisy of state structures are analysed. The novel is considered postmodern and includes elements of ambiguity, vagueness, blurring of genres and intertextuality. Intertextual connections are revealed in the title of the novel, which refers to the mythological hero Odysseus. The mythopoetic aspect of the novel is <br>studied separately, analysing Saad's journey from the point of view of a classical literary hero. The author uses J. Campbell's principle of monomyth and A. Van Gennep's classification, which distinguishes three stages: separation, liminality, and rebirth, to examine the development of the protagonist. The article examines Saad's complete journey as a hero and his transformation into a new one - real and vulnerable, living in hope for the future. Unlike Homer's Odysseus, Saad does not return home, but begins his own unique journey.</p>Inesa SIEHODINA
Copyright (c) 2023 Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000