Basic Requirements for the Article Text

The article should be submitted in rtf, doc or docx format. Its length should be about 5000 – 10000 words (without tables, images and schemes).

Font: Times New Roman, 14 pt.; 1,15 pt. spacing; paragraph spacing 6 pt.

Fields: symmetrical (2-2-2-2 cm).

A new structure element should start in one black line after the previous text.

The authors are kindly asked

  • not to indent the first line of the paragraph;
  • not to use the underlining;
  • not to use italicizing excessively;
  • not to use the automatic hyphenation.

Be sure that all the web-references has full and correct URL addresses.

In-text references are made in the text after the citation according to APA citation style:

·                   If reference refers to the source text in general, author’s name and publishing year are given in round brackets

(Smith, 2016)

·                   If the list of references includes several works by one author published the same year, they should be differentiated in text with the help of Latin letters after the year

(Smith, 2016a)

(Smith, 2016b)

·                   If reference refers to a specific citation, author’s name, publishing year and page number are given in round brackets

(Smith, 2016: 15)

·                   If reference refers to several sources, it is separated by a semicolon and given together in round brackets

(Smith, 2016; Edwards, 2015)

·                   If reference has several authors, first author’s name followed by et al., publishing year and, if necessary, page number are given in round brackets after citation

(Smith et al., 2016)

(Smith et al., 2016: 15)

·                   If reference has no author (collections, dictionaries so on), the author`s name should be replaced by the work`s title; if it seems to be too long, or can be replaced by the abbreviation indicated in the note when given for the first time in the text

(Famine Relief, 2002)

(PETA, 2015)


All footnotes should be grouped in a same block and given at the end of the article before the References.