Content Arrangement of the Article

  • UDC index: without indentation, alignleft, in capital letters, no bold font.
  • Information about the author(s)*:

surname, name, academic degree, affiliations, department, university or organization and its address including city and country, personal email, ORCID (align right).

  • Copyright:© Nikonenko O., 2019.
  • Title of the article*: in capital letters, bold font, align center
  • Abstract*:

it should contain 1800 signs (200 words) at least;

it should be informative, reflect the content of the article, reveal the stages of the research;

without abbreviations or quotations.

  • Keywords*:

5 at least;

they should correspond to the main content of the article;

separated by comas.


* The article submitted in Spanish, Italian French should be accompanied by English translation of:

Author(s)` Name and Surname, Information about the author(s)

Title of the article




  • Main text of the article: should contain the following structure elements: the problem statement, the relevance of the research, the goal and tasks of the research, the review of the published papers on this topic, research results.
  • Conclusions
  • Notes (if any):

should be grouped at the end of the paper, in one blank line after the main text.

  • References:

in one blank line after the text;

the title is ‘REFERENCES’  in capital letters, bold font, align center.


The reference list in English must comply with АРА (American Psychological Association) citation style.