Keywords: authoritarianism, consolidated authoritarianism, oligarchs as a geopolitical actor, oligarchy


The main factors of the growing popularity and influence of non-democratic regimes, first of all, consolidated authoritarianism, are considered. In the modern world, in conditions of geopolitical turbulence, geopolitical centers of power and actors in making global management decisions are changing, therefore there is a need to manage socio-political and economic processes for the stable development of society. The conditions of chaos only intensify attempts to find and create fuses for the uncontrollable development of the political regime. In such conditions, there is a certain social group that is interested in preserving and strengthening the authoritarian regime. It is the oligarchs who are interested in preserving the status quo. Most of the successful and developed ones went through the stage of oligarchy domination (for example, the USA, France, Germany).

The attention is focused on the tendencies of strengthening of authoritarian tendencies in the global dimension, which makes it possible to conclude that these processes are interrelated.

It is proved that against the background of the dominance of authoritarian tendencies in the world, the positions of oligarchs are strengthening everywhere. Although humanity has experience overcoming the influence of the oligarchy. Consistent US tax policy over the decades has produced positive results thanks to the efforts of President F. Roosevelt.

It proves that it is a consistent fiscal policy that can yield positive results. But all these measures have been inhibited throughout the years of independence through various lobbying groups within the legislative body. And the state of the Ukrainian oligarchs is only growing, which allows us to come to the conclusion that there is no demand in society for a real fight against this phenomenon.


Author Biography

Maryna Shapovalenko, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

Professor, Dr.Sc. in Political Science.


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How to Cite
Shapovalenko, M. (2021). OLIGARCHY AS A FACTOR IN THE CONSOLIDATION OF AUTHORITARIANISM. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issues of Political Science, 39, 8-14. https://doi.org/10.26565/2220-8089-2021-39-01