In a democratic society with longstanding traditions, a stable rule of law, political opposition is regarded as a natural phenomenon, because it is an indispensable component, an indicator of democracy and rule of law, the basis of civil society development.
The Euro-integration and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of modern Ukraine require the formation of democratic standards and civilized relations between the authorities and the opposition. At the same time, the development of political processes in our country testifies to the complex nature of this interaction. The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that the institutionalization of the opposition in Ukraine is not yet complete. The result of underdevelopment was the ideological and organizational immaturity, the unstructuredness of today's opposition.
The article deals with the historiographical and theoretical analysis of the concept of «political opposition». The evolution of ideas about political opposition and its importance in society is investigated. Methodological approaches to the concept of «political opposition», its role in relations with the authorities and participation in the formation of a democratic society are considered, the place and role of the opposition in the political process of modern Ukraine are determined.
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