Keywords: civil society; eurointegration; reforms; national security; CSOs; coalitions of the civil society organizations


Civil society plays a significant role in attempts to build a functioning democracy, support the rule of law, and promote and protect rights, as well as remaining one of the main driving forces of reform. Civil society continues to cooperate with state agencies in the field of developing political programmes, and to a certain extent assumes some responsibility for the implementation reforms. Despite this, the involvement of civil society in certain areas still remains declarative. An innovative trend in the civil society development in Ukraine has been creation of CSOs and NGOs coalitions, aiming to consolidate and accelerate the implementation of reforms through methods of advocacy and cooperation with state authorities. In 2017–2018 there was tension between civil society and the government despite  the implementation of the National Strategy for Facilitating the Civil Society Development, adopted in 2016, however. In 2019 there is a tendency for improvement in state-civil society relations since the Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional the clauses of the law on preventing corruption, which obliged representatives of public anti-corruption organizations to submit their asset declarations. Moreover, it has become possible to register CSOs in Ukraine online free of charge at the Governmental portal, which is an important step forward to improving public service delivery and creating a better legal environment for civil society. Online services for civil society organizations would be developed and introduced, including online registration of charitable organizations, public associations, applications for non-profit status, etc.

The article analyzes the state of development, problems and challenges of the civil society within the framework of the implementation of reforms and European integration of Ukraine , as well as the influence of civil society on reforms in Ukraine, in order to implement reforms, achieve socio-economic progress, and ensure the national security of Ukraine. Also, the article analyzes the how the reforms are assessed by population, and overviews the tendency of increasing trust in the CSO activities by the citizens of Ukraine.


Author Biography

О. Д. Хомей

PhD student, National Institute for Strategic Studies, Pyrogova street, 7A, Kyiv, 01030



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How to Cite
Хомей, О. Д. (2019). CURRENT PROBLEMS OF CIVIL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT AND THEIR IMPACT ON REFORMS TO ENSURE NATIONAL SECURITY IN UKRAINE. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issues of Political Science, 35, 13-20.