The article looks into the basic principles of the modern world cultural diplomacy; it studies its role and place within the system of the foreign policy relations. It is proved that Ukraine’s active cultural policy is not only a desirable state of social and interstate communication, but also an indispensable condition for increasing the our country credibility in the world political arena. The most important thing is to follow the tolerance principle. It is shown that when reflecting on cultural policy in its dynamics, it is necessary to justify the common cultural meanings of social activity. Only in this condition such an interaction, unavoidable in a globalized world, will occur in parallel with the processes of cultural convergence on the basis of mutual respect for the values of another. What is happening in the individual consciousness needs to be transmitted into the sphere of interstate relations, with personal friendly relations becoming the basis of intergovernmental politics. Such an approach should be comprehensive and take into account the relationship at the level of person, group, ethnic group, state, planetary society. It is proved that the collective and personal aspects of cultural policy should form a social and cultural context to be oriented not only to the past, but also to the present, and even more for the future.
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