Theoretical approaches то the development of subject information and education environment for learning computer science for «flipped classroom» technologies

  • Н. А. Хміль
  • С. Б. Нікольський
  • С. В. Корчма
Keywords: information–educational environment, educational technology, «Flipped learning», «Flipped classroom», open–source software


 The article shows the possibility of using such model as «Flipped learning», according to «Flipped classroom» technology at school. Explores the possibility of giving computer science lesson according to «Flipped classroom» technologies with the help of developed information–educational environment, and free software resources are indicated for its creation. The article deals with theoretical approaches to the development of subject information and educational environment for learning computer science for «Flipped classroom» technologies. Here are presented the steps of creating a substantive educational environment with the help of resources and free open source software: WordPress site templates, graphics editor Paint.Net, HTML5, table styles CSS3. The implementation and usefulness of the developed substantive educational environment is described in the educational process. Copyright Material of educational environment cover topics of the lessons presented in the program of computer science (standard level), starting from 5 – 11 form of high school. They are in the public domain and anyone can view and enjoy all the educational materials for training and the lessons. Also there are useful links of software on the main page of the website (Scratch, brackets, etc.), competition in Informatics (Beaver, search on the Internet), and links to interesting video tutorials from Adobe Photoshop, HTML5 and SSS3. The study used the experience of the application of the created environment for the study of computer science in high school. Open source software, which is built by using objective information and educational environment, allows complementing information and improving the structure of educational environment according the students’ wishes. The result of the study is the recommendations on the use of open source software, provision for the creation of the educational environment, the advantages of copyright material for computer science lessons for «Flipped classroom» with the help of developed subject information and educational environment. Further research will be directed at building a mobile version of the subject of information and educational environment.


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How to Cite
Хміль, Н. А., Нікольський, С. Б., & Корчма, С. В. (2017). Theoretical approaches то the development of subject information and education environment for learning computer science for «flipped classroom» technologies. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 207-214. Retrieved from