Methodological aspect of teaching the problem of english-speaking professionally oriented speech in the field of information technologies students of the technical university

Keywords: engineering, professional speech, scientific style, term


Permanent progressive change in the field of computer engineering attracts the attention of many scientists to the problem of studying, clarifying, deepening of existing scientific concepts and terms of the computer speech, which from the beginning is in English. Regarding our research, the characteristics of the English computer speech is extremely important for the selection of a professionally directed educational material.

The purpose of our study is to analyze the main characteristics of texts in the field of computer engineering and English speaking.

To achieve this aim, our research was conducted through the characteristics of English texts used in computer engineering. The main directions of this field are considered. The linguistic features of the scientific texts in the field of computer engineering and English speaking are provided.

Computer terminology is the most dynamic of terminological systems, and it will hardly be sometime possible to put the end to it and to consider investigated as innovations in the computer engineering develop rather promptly.

For correct comprehension and translation of computer terms, it is necessary to understand the morphological structure of the term, semantic features distinguishing it from commonly used words, the peculiarities of the contextual functioning of these units.

Analyzing the field of new technologies, we can see that the last decade is characterized by the appearance of significant numbers of new lexical, semantic and idioms in the English language in connection with new trends and directions of scientific and technological development. Such a designation is made by the replenishment of the vocabulary of idioms and lexical innovation, rethinking existing language material.

Having studied the texts of computer engineering, we came to the conclusion that there are such features of the scientific style as: the presence of special vocabulary, terms; the use of words only in direct or terminological terms; predomination of complex sentences in the syntactic structure; the division into paragraphs plays an important role in the disclosure of the logical structure, a special character expressing expressiveness; absence or lack of emotionality.


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How to Cite
Dobrovolska, N. (2018). Methodological aspect of teaching the problem of english-speaking professionally oriented speech in the field of information technologies students of the technical university. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (31), 17-28.