Linguistic characteristics of a scientific lecture as the basis of teaching listening.

  • Н. В. Ушакова
Keywords: foreign students, initial stage of language training, language teaching methods, lecture, linguistic characteristics, scientific style of speech.


The article is devoted to the consideration of linguistic features of the text of a scientific lecture. These peculiarities act as the basis of developing teaching methods for training listening of scientific texts to foreign students at the initial stage of learning Russian as a foreign language. In particular, specific phenomena of vocabulary, morphology, syntax and phonetics, which form invariant linguistic signs of a scientific lecture, have been revealed.

Current, general scientific and specific – main and narrow-purpose words in the lexical filling of the scientific text are distinguished in the article. It is outlined that specific linguistic phenomena contain lexical unambiguity, common use of lexical units in the specific meaning for this style of speech, partial desemantization of verbs, etc. The optionality of morphological categories and forms, stipulated by the scientific subjects, objective, summarizing, expressly logical character of the statement, is examined by the author. It is noted that the scientific style of speech is characterized by the use of word forms and categories, which aren’t distinctive features of a literary language, the enlarged use of nouns, the highest frequency of the word forms usage in a genitive case, restrictive functions of the categories of verbs, common use of connecting language means. The author emphasizes that the generalizing and abstract character of the scientific text causes deagentivity of the statement and the common use of the nominalized structures. It is also pointed out that the scientific text is complicated by homogeneous parts of the sentence, participle and adverbial participle turns. The word order promotes consistency and compatibility of the statement. Intonation is considered as an invariant component of linguistic features of the scientific lecture, which serves for the division of semantic centres of the statement, communicatively equivalent information, speech segmentation. It is claimed that a variable component is special vocabulary defined by the content of a certain discipline. The author concludes that the basis for elaborating the model of training listening is invariant components of scientific lectures.


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How to Cite
Ушакова, Н. В. (2017). Linguistic characteristics of a scientific lecture as the basis of teaching listening. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 135-147. Retrieved from