Verbal and non-verbal intercultural communication in the course of training Arabian students.

  • О. Ф. Кучеренко
  • О. О. Греул
Keywords: analysis of reasons of intercultural communication failures, Arab students, differences in communicative behavior, verbal and non-verbal intercultural communication.


The bases of intercultural communication for overcoming difficulties which arise in the educational, scientific and ordinary dialogue of the Ukrainians and Arabs are investigated in the article.

Misunderstanding and conflicts arising in the process of an international dialogue are caused by ignorance of sources and modern features of language and non-language consciousness of participants of this dialogue, certain linguistic difficulties for foreign participants of a communicative process, lack of concrete information which is necessary for intercultural communication.

Such unresolved pressing questions are conditioned by many factors: constant changes of national and intercultural communication which arise in developing modern society as a result of interaction of opposite tendencies to globalisation and aspiration of keeping national cultural features; low knowledge of the participants of communication of the Ukrainian and Arab cultures. This situation promotes unreasonable similarity or distinction in the course of the verbal and non-verbal dialogue; national specificity of certain ethnoses in respect of synchronism and diachrony; ignorance of historical and modern features of the language and non-language dialogue that leads to wrong actions; biases and stereotypes in intercultural communication which become the basis of extreme alarm and pressure in the course of the dialogue. Among the mentioned factors are represented not only linguistic, but also psychological, and social which are obligatory for considering the “dialogue” of different cultures. It is also necessary to pay attention to the advantages of international integration processes and necessity to have respect to the rights of a separate person – the representative of a certain national picture of the world.

To raise the quality of intercultural communication it is possible owing to the analysis system of the reasons of the failures caused by the differences of communicative behaviour of representatives of different cultures and languages, spending thematic trainings, allocating typical and specific features of a national communication style.


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How to Cite
Кучеренко, О. Ф., & Греул, О. О. (2017). Verbal and non-verbal intercultural communication in the course of training Arabian students. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 70-79. Retrieved from