Communication Strategies in Teaching Foreign Language Authentic Dialogue

Keywords: dialogic structures, discourse strategies, strategic exercises.


Teaching a natural dialogue for effective communication with native speakers is an important problem of modern science of language learning. The most characteristic feature of the natural dialogue is a large number of indirect speech acts and discourse strategies employed for achieving communicative goals. Without possession of such strategies, the student will not be able to communicate fluently in a foreign country, experiencing problems with understanding native speakers and with expressing of his\her own thoughts. Modern linguistics considers dialogue as the alternation of rapidly changing scenarios of dialogic communication due to its strategic nature. Strategic aspects of the dialogic communication are closely related to the psychological factors and the factors, which determine the structure of the dialogue and provoke the use of indirect speech acts to achieve communicative goals. Review of existing concepts of communicative strategies leads to the conclusion that without being a factor that directly determines the choice of the dialogic structure, communication strategies, however, have a significant influence on this choice. Thus, they can be used to create new communicative exercises of strategic nature and to train the structures of the dialogue.

 This research focuses on strategic assets designed to influence the interlocutor during the dialogic communication in the native and foreign language, that can be used in Foreign Language Teaching at the initial stage. The author suggests some new types of exercises based on discursive strategies, which include some interpersonal manipulation to achieve communicative goals, that allow us to avoid negative psychological effects due to unwanted reactions of communication partners. 



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How to Cite
Давер, М. В. (2016). Communication Strategies in Teaching Foreign Language Authentic Dialogue. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (27), 25–34. Retrieved from