Ukrainian language in the system of training for foreign master’s students
The article examines the main features of teaching the Ukrainian language to foreign undergraduates who received a bachelorʼs degree outside Ukraine, study in Ukrainian higher education institutions online in English and study Ukrainian as the state language of the country of study. Since the Ukrainian language for the studied contingent is neither a means of obtaining higher education nor a language of socio-cultural communication, there is no real Ukrainian-speaking environment and formed communicative needs, the motivation of these foreigners in learning the Ukrainian language is quite low, and it is the teacher who determines the effective organization of the educational process and the involvement of English-speaking undergraduates in studying the Ukrainian language.
The volume and content of the Ukrainian language educational material for English-speaking higher education applicants are analyzed, and teaching methods and techniques are identified that are effective for the formation of Ukrainian-language communicative competence in them. It was concluded that the increase in motivation in learning the Ukrainian language of the studied contingent of foreign speakers is facilitated by careful selection of educational material, minimizing the requirements for the formation of types of speech activity at the A1 level of language proficiency, reducing the volume of grammar and vocabulary that correspond to this level according to the State Language Standards, while simultaneously including topics that present universal human interests and values in the curricula, building classes on the principles of Ukrainian-centrism and communication using elements of audiovisual and grammatical-translation methods with the use of English as an intermediary language.
Prospects for further scientific research may include the analysis and selection of interactive methods that correspond to the studied learning situation, the development of principles for creating distance courses and online textbooks with the active involvement of digital learning and Internet technologies in order to introduce a Ukrainian-speaking environment and form communicative competence of foreign undergraduates studying in Ukrainian higher education institutions in English online.
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