«Ukrainian language» for the Chinese undergraduates of the specialty «Russian language and literature»: the concept of an experimental textbook

Keywords: experimental textbook, principles of teaching a second foreign language, psychological regularities of mastering second foreign language, second foreign closely related language


The article deals with the principles of teaching the second foreign language (based on the material of Russian and Ukrainian languages) and its correspondence to the created experimental textbook. The basis for the creation of the textbook – taking into account the psychological laws of mastering the second closely related foreign language: the emerging metalinguistic consciousness of the individual and the expansion of the field of positive transfer. These patterns predetermine the set of principles which should correspond to the textbook: the principle of comprehensiveness of the educational process and deliver the material in the textbook (this principle is determined not only parallel to the development of all types of speech activity on the basis of the same material, but in some way the structure of the paragraph from a textbook); the principle of concentric progression in flow and learning (he is in flow and learning); the principle of intercultural / sociocultural / intercultural orientation of education (the essence of the principle – if a student understands many linguistic phenomena, their functions, comprehend the consistency of the vocabulary, etc. the acquisition of the second language should be more inductive way), comparative principle (based on the fact that comparisons with the first foreign language occur more often than with the native language), the principle of authenticity of educational material (characteristics of authenticity are the relationship of the text to the situation of communication, substantive and formal integrity and connectivity, diverse vocabulary, idiomaticity, expressiveness), the absence of elements-cripples from the native language, and some others), the principle of increasing the share of independence of students in mastering the second foreign closely related language (manifested in increasing the share of independent learning activities of the student), the principle of intensification of the educational process (intensification of teaching the second foreign closely related language is possible due to the formed metalanguage consciousness, cognitive and social strategies in teaching, due to positive transfer) and submission to it of the main learning tool – the textbook.


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How to Cite
Стативка, А., Стативка, В., & Мовчан, Т. (2018). «Ukrainian language» for the Chinese undergraduates of the specialty «Russian language and literature»: the concept of an experimental textbook. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (32), 81-100. https://doi.org/10.26565/2073-4379-2018-32-08