Approaches and principles of foreign students’ intercultural competences development in the process of Ukrainian language teaching

Keywords: approaches, competence, foreign students, intercultural communication, principles, Ukrainian language teaching


The extension of economic relations, demographic mobility and common information space facilitate contacts between representatives of different cultures. Intercultural communication, which comprises all spheres of life, depends on how problems of the intercultural interaction training will be solved in the system of higher education.

The analysis of scientific literature shows that the choice of approaches, principles to the Ukrainian language training of foreign citizens is determined by its key functions: to be the most important means of communication, cognition and influence and form developed, socially active personality that is able to communicate in various types of speech activity, keep to standards and rules of linguistic behavior of certain society representatives, relies on information about the level of individual’s development, cultural and social peculiarities and differences. It’s necessary to take into account socio-cultural differences of other people in the process of intercultural communication. Therefore, Ukrainian language training of foreign students by introducing cultural material, development of skills, which allow them to adapt to another cultural environment, successfully operate in personal and professional spheres, is a primary goal.

Current approaches and principles of language learning have been examined in the article. It has been determined that person-centered, competency-based, communicative and intercultural approaches as well as principles of predominance of problem cultural tasks, cultural variability, and cultural opposition promote competences development, self-realization and quality of professional training.

So, the aim of language training of foreign students is the competences development which are necessary for their harmonious coexistence in a “foreign” society, since knowledge and skills of Ukrainian language and culture, the ability to determine the differences that impede understanding during the communication, the automation of communication skills for specific situations. The latter are the keys to the successful development of the personality in foreign language socio-cultural environment.


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How to Cite
Костюк, С. (2018). Approaches and principles of foreign students’ intercultural competences development in the process of Ukrainian language teaching. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (32), 46-59.