Quest-technologies in teaching foreign languages

Keywords: educational quest, educational technology, Internet resources, methodology, Web quest


The article deals with educational quest and web-quest as an innovative pedagogical technology in foreign language teaching. Such a didactic model comprises the problem tasks that can be performed with the help of information resources, Internet resources in particular. The term «quest» as an educational technology was offered at the end of the 20th century by a US professor Bernie Dodge. According to Bernie Dodge, quest is a site that contains a problem task requiring independent Internet search. Educational quest is a pedagogical technology that includes a set of problem tasks with elements of role-playing, for which usage of information resources is required.

 Web Quest has its particular structure that includes an introduction, a main task, a list of information resources, main stages’ description, and the outcome. Working with web quests includes preparatory work, informing about the subject, evaluation criteria and quest tasks, further processing of results, and evaluation. The introduction of Web Quest technology in the process of learning a foreign language makes it possible to supervise students’ independent academic work in prepared and didactically structured Internet environment. It helps students to immerse in foreign language information environment and to master their Web searching skills. It creates constant communicative process with elements of cooperation and provides students’ personal involvement in continuous information and speech activity. Quest technology has great developmental potential. It helps students to deepen their knowledge of the material, develop abstract thinking, and learn how to compare, analyze and classify. Quest technologies in the process of foreign language teaching enable students to develop their intellectual skills and perseverance. It provides students with specific skills training that will ensure their future social and professional adaptation in the society.


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How to Cite
Папіжук, В., & Лозко, О. (2018). Quest-technologies in teaching foreign languages. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (31), 64-74.