'Slow Food' in Ukraine and the Narrative of Odessa Local Cuisine

Keywords: ‘Slow Food’, ‘cittaslow’, ‘sitopia’, volunteering, biosphere identity, gastronomic tourism, local cuisine


One of the important elements of national, urban and biosphere identity is the local cuisine, as a code that forms and translates certain values. Recently, in the US and Europe, the direction of interdisciplinary research has become relevant, which combining the problems of food, environmental ethics and safety.  In the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the risk of food insecurity is growing, especially in countries dependent on food imports. A pandemic offers the opportunity to transform food systems. Agribusiness is aimed at uninterrupted supply of cheap, unified food. The world trade market is quite pragmatic, it responds to the needs of trends in Western society, because it is a source of income and the basis of modern resource allocation. Concerned about the potential threat to food security during the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries and organizations are working hard to provide affordable food to consumers who can still access and buy food despite restrictions on movement and loss of income, as well as safe rural management farms. The purpose of the article is the implementation of the environmental aspects of identity in modern urban research. The article deals with the development of the ‘Slow Food’ movement in Ukraine. The movement supports farmers, studies and promotes local products, traditional recipes, and supports the biodiversity of species. In Ukraine, volunteers of the movement for more than ten years have been proving that food should be produced not only in environmentally friendly conditions, but also without harm to the environment, wildlife, society. Dnipro, Kyiv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Simferopol and Chernihiv represent the cities of Ukraine. Bessarabia, Volyn, Galicia, Carpathians, Crimea and Podillia - present the ‘culinary dialects’ of the regions. Unlike other countries, Ukrainian primary centers are informal associations of enthusiasts who, at their own expense, embody the Slow Food philosophy and take part in the preserving and promotion of traditional foods. But most importantly is a movement of volunteers to help Ukraine to save landscapes and food independence which is based on on local products. Environmental aspects of urban life, the question of what plans we build them , for a long time they remained secondary to political and socio-economic problems. There are many initiatives now and the townspeople are addressing these issues, but they are not yet at the time.  Odessa may become one of the sitopic cities of Ukraine. The creation of new lokal spaces and practices for the social cohesion and safe food for Odessa citizens contributes to the successful implementation of Cittaslow principles. An analysis of the trend towards more conscious consumption and understanding of the problems in the current food system will contribute to the development of gastronomic tourism. It is proved that Odessa can become one of the sitopic cities of Ukraine. Due to the creation of new lokal spaces and practices aimed at creating social cohesion and safe food for Odessa citizens, the principles of Cittaslow, a slow and environmentally friendly city, are being successfully implemented.


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How to Cite
Tykhomirova, F. A. (2020). ’Slow Food’ in Ukraine and the Narrative of Odessa Local Cuisine. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History, (57), 135-153. https://doi.org/10.26565/2220-7929-2020-57-08