Information: interdisciplinary significance of socio-geographical concept

Keywords: information, information interaction, environmental management, system , social and geographical system, socio-geographical process, human-geographical studies, sustainable development


The purpose of the article is to determine the role of information in human-geographical research. Therefore, the authors analyzed and characterized the features of types and categories of information and analyzed the concepts and theories of information used in information geography as initial and basic options for identifying the definition of "information". Based on the analysis, they propose the concept of "information" from the perspective of human geography and identify its role in human-geographical research, as it enables human geographers to analyze and comprehend the intricate interactions between society, nature, and the connections between spatial structures.

Results. The article reveals the fundamental role of information in human geography, providing the basis for the analysis, interpretation, and prediction of social and spatial processes. The interdisciplinary significance of the human-geographical concept is also considered. Its primary function is to combine data from various fields of knowledge and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the complex interaction between humans and nature. The authors analyzed previous foreign and domestic studies of various scientific areas, in particular human geographers, and also examined the most common philosophical concepts of information: attributive, functional, and anthropocentric. Today, there is constant discussion and no single point of view among scientists about information concepts. The article analyzes the concepts and theories of information used in information geography as initial and basic, the definitions of the concept of "information", and the peculiarities of its use in human-geographical research. Based on the analysis, the authors proposed the concept of "information" from the standpoint of human geography and its role in human-geographical research. The main contradictions between society and nature were also revealed, and the basic principles of interaction between society and natural systems in the multisystem of environmental management were considered. The authors highlighted the ideas of the formation of the concept of the social and geographical system and the socio-geographical process and revealed the peculiarities of the embodiment of ideas in human-geographical research. In human-geographical research, information plays a crucial role in determining the level of society's development. Researchers use this information to study the distribution of human activities and natural resources, plan and manage territories, analyze dynamics and transformations in spatial structures and communication networks, and understand their impact on society. The collection and processing of primary geodata allow for the integration of different types of information and the creation of cartographic models. The utilization of information facilitates socio-economic and urban analysis, enabling the study of the demographic system's features, including its structure, distribution, and the characteristics of its primary categories. In further studies, the authors are going to prepare a model illustrating the role of information in the processes of territorial management, regional development, and restoration.


Author Biographies

Liudmyla Niemets, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

DSc (Geography), Professor, Head of the K. Niemets Department of Human Geography
and Regional Studies

Kateryna Sehida , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

DSc (Geography), Professor, K. Niemets Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies

Kateryna Kravchenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, K. Niemets Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies

Josep Vila Subirós, University of Girona

PhD (Geography), Professor of the Department of Geography, Socioenvironmental Research Group

Aleksandar Valjarević, University of Belgrade, University of East Sarajevo

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Geospatial and Environmental Science

Cezar Morar, University of Oradea

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning

Pavlo Kobylin, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, K. Niemets Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies

Liudmyla Kliuchko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, K. Niemets Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies

Ievgeniia Telebienieva, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, K. Niemets Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies


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How to Cite
Niemets, L., Sehida , K., Kravchenko, K., Subirós, J. V., Valjarević, A., Morar, C., Kobylin, P., Kliuchko, L., & Telebienieva, I. (2024). Information: interdisciplinary significance of socio-geographical concept. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology", (60), 252-271.

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